Chapter Three: Dinner with Benedict & Sophie

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R.I.P to Alan Rickman. You will be dearly missed. Thank you for being a part of my childhood and making my laugh, cry and hang on to the edge of my seat in anticipation. You will always be in my heart and mind. You were a part of me. I raise my wand to you.

Hope you are enjoying the book! Up above is the outfit Ailbhe will wear. I'm really excited for the upcoming chapters. Lots of fun stuff. Enjoy!

Ailbhe's day started off with a bang. Literally. A huge bang woke Ailbhe up from her sleep. Wiping away the hair in her eyes, she climbed out of bed and went to investigate.

She heard muttering and strings of curses come from downstairs. She groaned as she fumbled down the stairs, trying not to look like a drunk.

The noise she was making made the muttering stop and Tom's head popped around from the corner, making Ailbhe scream and fall down the rest of the stairs and lay flat on the floor.

She eyed Tom from the floor, who was bent over laughing. "What's so funny mister? A teenage girl falling down the stairs is funny to you!" She stood up carefully.

Tom saw the gleam in her eyes and started to run. Ailbhe chased after him. "You get back here, when I get to you Hiddleston, I'll smack you so hard you'll regenerate!" She yelled.

Tom slid to a stop, making Ailbhe crash into his tall form. Tom grabbed her shoulders so she wouldn't fall. "Did you make a doctor who reference?" He asked, making one of his eyebrows go up.


"So you are a...what do they call you?" He questioned, letting go her shoulders.

"Fangirl." She answered.

"Yes! Fangirl." He said, snapping his fingers.

Ailbhe smacked him in the shoulder. "Ow!" He cried. "What was that for?" He rubbed his shoulder.

Ailbhe headed for the kitchen. "That was for scaring me at this god forsaken hour." She turned around, her hair flying across her face. She started spitting and sputtering. "God! I hate my hair, always gets in my mouth." Tom smiled at his daughter, he couldn't believe that she was finally with him. He thought she'd never go with him.


Tom was so nervous walking up to the Neu's ( pronounced Ni) house. He had no idea what Alibhe's reaction would be like. He took a deep breath as he rang the doorbell. The door opened and Megan Neu, the mom, greeted Tom with a kiss and a hug. "Tom, it's been so long!"

He smiled and kissed her cheeks. "Too long. How are you?"

She ushered him in. "Okay, been a few hard days, but you know. Gotta deal with everyday life." She shrugged.

"There's the man we've been waiting for!" Adam announced as Megan and Tom walked into the kitchen. Tom and Adam greeted each other with a handshake. "How's London treating you? "

"Great, bought a house awhile back, I finished some work and I'm free for a few weeks. " Tom answered.

"That's awesome. " Adam replied.

Then it was an awkward silence as everyone stared at their feet.

Tom opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted as the front door opened and closed.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home, who's car is that out front? " Ailbhe's voice cried out. Tom gulped, never in his life has he been this nervous.

Megan walked out to the entrance. "Hi honey, how was school?"

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