VII: Dreams

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"It is your destiny. You shall be the Elven King and she shall be your Queen."

The voices echoed as the words were spoken. In the brightness there were silhouettes of people he can't recognize. Yet he heard their laughter, their glee.

"By this ring you are sanctified to me. Wear me as seal upon your heart, as seal upon your arm, for my love for you is infinite." A little boy and girl's silhouettes appeared in his vision.

"Many waters cannot quench love, no flood can sweep it away, I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine." he heard the little girl giggled as she vowed. The two kids laughed while they playfully ran around chasing each other. Witnessing the bethrothal of two child, it brought smile to his lips. But the smile faded quickly when he realized the world was changing, gradually, the brightness became darkness. Burning fire, screams, battle cries replaced the sound of merriment. In that instant, he's wandering in the middle of a great war. He witnessed his kin and the men being slaughtered by the orcs. Everywhere there was blood and fire. He wanted to help but he knows there's nothing much he can do, the bloodshed can't be stopped.

"No!" He looked around, there he saw a woman. She cried before kneeling to the floor, holding close a body of a lifeless man. She diverted her eyes to the crying little girl standing beside her, the woman's face became filled with anger. "You killed him! You are a murderer! You deserve to die!" The little girl was frightened and ran to him. He knew her. He held her hand as he stared at her eyes full of fear. The mad woman bolted, attempted to take the child, but neither did let go of their grasp. He didn't know why but he felt that he shouldn't let her be taken away.

"Thranduil..." the kid looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Thranduil." He tried remembering the child's name but he can't.


He was awaken by the sudden noise. He was breathing heavily while laying on his bed. Sweat beads were all over his face. It was the same unusual dream he had for the past few days, still, unable to remember the little girl's name. He looked around and squinted his eyes to make sure he was seeing correctly. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "My King, are you alright?" Faeneth was standing at the end of his bed, holding a tray of bread and fruits. The King slightly tilted his head, locking his eyes at her.

"Oh, I am sorry! I was just about to put your breakfast here when I saw you having a nightmare, so I tried waking you up." She tittered and put the tray on the King's table. She bowed after doing the task and started walking towards the door.

"What do you need?" Thranduil asked her. She stopped on her tracks and quickly turned as if she was waiting for this. She paused, staring at the floor while playing the curls of her golden hair with her fingers.

"Tell me." The King insisted.

"Uh. I...I would like to join in the search for my brother." she paused to see his reaction before she continued. "..I..I can't just sit down here while my brother is out there in the woods, knowing that he might be in danger any minute now and.." Tears started to form as she thought of the possible dangers her brother might be in but she was cut off.

"I understand. But you, coming along wouldn't help them either, it'll only make worse." Thramduil started getting off his bed. He was only wearing a white robe, all his armor and jewelries were orderly placed on the larger table.

"I beg you. Please, I just wanted to see my brother." She kneeled to the king, involuntarily.

"Patience. They will find him soon. Now if you'll excuse me. I still have to prepare for the day." And at that moment the King started untying his robe facing his back at her. As soon as it came to her senses, she quickly turned before she got to see more of his body. She blushed, rushing to the doors. "And, thank you for bringing me food" She heard the King before she closed his chambers. How rude! Doesn't he care if I see him naked?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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