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*PSA* I'm currently in the the process of rewriting this book that I initially started 3 years ago. I don't really know why I stopped writing it to be perfectly honest, I guess for the most part it was just a struggle to really narrow down what I wanted the plot to be. Furthermore, I've been doing some thinking and have this overwhelming sense of inspiration to continue so rather you're a returning reader or a first timer , I hope you stick around for this "reboot".

Cara's Pov - Present Day

Summer had been a dream for the most part. It consisted of late night parties, drunken games and endless dancing. I didn't want it to be over. Harry had spent everyday with me which made every somewhat memorable moment ten times better. I liked having him around . As predicted, over time I felt a protective yet caring nature over him. Which was totally understandable ever since the whole "my dad's gay and my parents are getting A divorce" episode. Undeniably he is my best friend, since grade school to be exact.

For as long as I could remember he had been there for me always making sure I was safe and occupied for the most part. I often returned the favor which Harry wasn't too much a fan of, he was questionable and complex lately his behavior showed it .

New York City is our home , well at least for me it is. Harry was born in England which gave him a minor English accent that I thought was rather annoying , but at times cute. We share a shoe-box apartment , but it's more like Harry's being that I'm never home . Last summer I was able to snag a position at my dream internship working for Musée Magazine. Journalism is my future, it's all I have really besides Harry. He attends classes at NYU. Even though college wasn't really his thing it was more like an excuse for him to get away from his nightmare of a family.

Ironically, Harry had a yearning passion for music which I found most appealing about him. His raspy voice always so soft but firm. I'll never forget the first time I heard him belt a tune. On his 16th birthday we decided to try and take a step out of our comfort zone and by us I mean Harry. Without hesitation he took the stage and began to sing Lionel Richie's verse in My Endless Love. To my and the surrounding audiences surprise he sounded absolutely phenomenal. In fact I was so caught up in the performance that you could imagine my shock when he pulled me up on stage just as Diana Ross's verse came in. To say I looked like a deer in headlights would be an understatement, after an elbow to the shoulder and a nod of the head confirming approval I started to sing. Sure I was a bit pitchy but the middle-aged crowd didn't seem to mind , Harry picked up where a slacked and we ended with a bang. I smile at the memory before a familiar voice speaks.

"Uhh Earth to Cara , I've been texting you for hours."

I snap my head up out of my journal and peer at the lengthy silhouette standing in my bedroom doorway.

"We're going to be late for Liam's party, hurry and get dressed were totally going hard tonight." He says confidently.

"You say that every night" I sigh.

"And you're late every night"

"Whatever." I smile in defeat and with that he turns on his heel to exit and just when I think he's gone the curly headed boy pops his head back into my view.

"Oh and can you at least try and look hot it's hard always being the cute one." he winks as my mouth moves into the shape of an O. Not long after I'm chasing him down the hallway seeking my revenge. It's going to be long night.

Hope you guys can see the improvement and enjoy I'll be updating tomorrow xxx

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