Chapter One *Night out*

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Cara's Pov - Present Tense

I finish putting my makeup away and grab my curling wand from under the sink. As I wait for the ceramic tool to heat up I hear a muffled buzzing noise coming from my room. I leave the bathroom in search of the persistent sound. After disheveling many items of dirty laundry I finally find the device of interest. It was a phone , but not mine.

The screen reads 27 unread texts from Jade with the purple heart emoji. I cringe at the tension radiated through the messages and head to find Harry. Walking through the living room I reach his door and don't even bother to knock. The scent of the Mahogany Teak wood shower gel I gifted him awhile ago fills my nose almost immediately, walking over to the bathroom door I can hear Harry belting out the chorus of Total Eclipse of A Heart. I laugh to myself and knock on the door.

"Harry!" I yell louder than normal.

"No you can't use my razor" he shouts continuing to sing.

"I don't want your razor Harold you left your phone in my room, and I don't think Jade's too happy about it" I tease with a smirk. 

The shower turns off not a second later, the door swings open in an instant. A dripping wet harry with nothing but a towel around his waist appears with an anxious look on his face.

"Gimme it" he says with his hand out.

"Sure thing" I respond placing the phone in his palm. His features tense as he scrolls and views the messages. I notice  how his lips move into a hard, straight line and begin to worry.

"Trouble in paradise ?" I joke cautiously.

"It's nothing", he says making brief eye contact. Observing his body language I can tell he's lying something must be wrong.

"Bullshit, I know you and her better than anyone what's going on?" 

"It's Jade" he said. "She's been acting different lately and I don't know why. She tells me it's just stress and that she needs space but the minute I give her just that she blows up on me. Like tonight for instance, and now she says she isn't coming to the party because she doesn't feel up to it , what the hell does that even mean?" He spoke irritably.

This wasn't at all surprising to me, but let me fill you in. Jade Winters was a close girl friend of mine throughout high school, we'd been like two peas in pod since freshman orientation which Harry so kindly ditched me at and instead went to Fleetwood Mac concert. When it came time to partner up for the school tour I just stood awkwardly in the back of everyone else momentarily until she came along new to the school and all and asked to be my partner. We haven't looked back since, It took Harry a bit to get used to the whole time share thing. He preferred just us two  which is why I never thought for a second they'd end up together.

I considered Harry like a brother and Jade like my sister, it was just too amusing to even think about. I thought we were all on the same page , but apparently not because,  4 months ago Harry decided it was the right thing to drop a huge bomb and let me know they hooked up at a night club in Brooklyn and have been completely in love with each other ever since .

"Maybe she's actually feeling a bit sick, schools been overwhelming for all of us, I wouldn't think too much into it" I reason awkwardly. The last thing I want to be Involved in is that relationship.

"Yeah  definitely ." He scoffs looking down at his bare toes.

"Go on now and tame these curls that we all know and love so much" I tease cheerfully, pulling the fallen wet strands out of his face and tucking them behind his ear.

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