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"Troye pleaseeeee?" Connor asked pointing at Tyde's new hoverboard. Troye shook his head. "No way!" Troye said crossing his arms jokingly. "Please?? For me?" Connor pleaded making big puppy dog eyes. Troye uncrossed his arms and put one arm around Connors shoulders. "I guess anything for you my love..." Troye said kissing Connors cheek.

Troye stood cautiously on Tyde's hoverboard. Once he finally was on it, he stood for a second then the board starting rocking and Troye stepped off immediately. "Connah I can't do it!!" Troye laughed. Connor giggled. He held both of Troye's hands as Troye stood behind the board ready to step on. "Ready?" Connor asked smiling. Troye nodded. "No!" Connor looked into his eyes. "Don't worry... I've got you...." Connor cooed. Troye smiled and looked down ready to step on. Troye stepped on as a scream escaped his throat. Connor held both Troye's hands and walked him around the living room. "Wait! I'm doing it!" Troye yelled. Connor smiled at his boyfriend. "You're way too cute..." Connor whispered.

Troye rode the hoverboard around and around holding on to Connor. Connor sat down once because he was tired and needed a break so Troye jumped into his arms. "Again?" Connor breathed. Troye nodded like a child and ran back over to the hoverboard. Connor rolled his eyes joke fully and laughed at how childish Troye was acting. So, Connor walked him around a couple more times then he said "Do you want to try it on your own??" Connor smirked. Fear fell over Troye's eyes. He shook his head violently. "Cmon pleaseeeee?" Connor asked looking right into Troye's eyes. Troye looked down and smiled "...I hate it when you do that."

"Troye i will be right here." Connor soothed standing in front of the hover board. "Promise??" Troye asked. Connor smiled. "Of course..." Troye smiled. Connors comfort would always make him feel at ease. Troye stepped are and started riding slowly. As time went by he started going faster. "CONNAH LOOK!!!" Troye yelled as he rode around the room. Connor laughed and nodded in approval. "I see!!" Connor yelled.

"What is going on in here?!" Sage laughed as she walked in the room. Connor and Troye were holding hands spinning while Troye was on the hoverboard. Connor and Troye laughed. "Hey! Why don't you make up a routine to do together!" Sage said laughing. Troye and Connor looked at eachother and smiled. Not looking away, Troye said "that would be a excellent idea."

"Ok... Three.... Two.... One.... Go!" Sage yelled recording with her phone.

Troye and Connor started out close together then Connor acted like he was punching Troye away from him and Troye rode backwards with his arms spread in front of him trying to go back to Connor. Troye was across the room and Connor was on the other side. Connor swung an imaginary rope above his head and threw and looped it around Troye. Troye started coming towards Connor as he started pulling him with their imaginary rope. Troye laughed when he was close to Connor and they high fived. Troye then started spinning around moving again away from Connor so Connor started running towards him. Troye started to loose his balance when Connor got near him so Connor grabbed Troye's waist and pulled him into a kiss. They both laughed. Sage was still recording so Connor looked up at Troye and said "I think we're gonna have to edit the end out...." Troye giggled and nodded kissing Connor once more.


this was of course inspired by the tronnor video floating around of Troye on the hoverboard and Connor playing with him. It was rlly cute btw

A lot of people were like "I would cut my arm off to see the end of that video" because when it ended it looked like Connor was about to grab Troye's waist so byeeee there you gooo

don't cut your arm off pls :)

xx, Baylee

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