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~ Connors pov ~

Troye and I were lying on the beach in Perth talking when I remembered I had to tweet about the People's Choice Awards that were tonight.... In Los Angles.

I picked my phone up and shaded the screen of my iPhone so I could tweet. "Whatcha doinnn??" Troye asked looking over. I shrugged. "Just promoting the PCAs for tonight.." I answered happily. Troye immediately sat up. "Connor?" He said staring at me very seriously. I half smiled "Wha?" I asked. "Tonight?!" He asked wide eyed. I nodded. He grabbed both my shoulders "You told me that they were next week!! When we would be in LA!!" I looked down ashamed. "...well if I told you then you would make me go.....and I don't want to leave you." I said quietly. Troye just stared at me with his eyebrows raised. I leaned in a kissed him. "....besides, I probably won't even win anyway." I said shrugging my shoulders. Troye giggled "I mean I am up against Miranda Sings.... The queen herself." I chuckled. "And that bitch Tyler." Troye mumbled. I laughed and said "Tyler is a bitch..." We both laughed.

"So whatcha wanna do today?" I asked sitting down on the couch next to Troye. "The awards don't start until like 9..." I told him. He thought. "We could go see a movie?" He suggested. I nodded and smirked "ooooh movie date huh?" I asked. Troye giggled and nodded. I looked on my phone to try to find a movie. "Here. This ones perfect. It starts at like 5 so it would let out at like 7?" I asked. Troye nodded "we can't!" He told me. "Why not??" I asked. "Your awards!! We won't be back in time!!" He jokingly yelled. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Troye! We will be back two hours before! It will be fine!" I told him. He nodded and looked at his feet. "I just really don't want you to miss it..." He mumbled. I chuckled. "Baby, I promise it will be perfectly fine. And if somehow we miss it, and I know we won't, it really doesn't matter! It's fine! I'm just glad I'm with you..." I cooed, trying to calm him. "Connah. You don't understand. It's because of me you're not there tonight." He said sadly. I held his head in my hands and looked him in the eyes very comforting. "Troye, don't ever think that. I would much rather be here.... Those award shows suck anyway." He chuckled. "Now cmon, let's go see that movie." I told him grabbing his hand.

"CONNAH COME ON HURRY!!!" Troye yelled from the living room. I came running in to the room holding two six bags of popcorn. I sat on the couch next to Troye, while around us sat Laurelle and Shawn, Sage, Tyde, blessing, Steele, Kayla, Liav, and a couple of Sage's close friends. We passed down the popcorn, keeping one for Troye and I, one for Shaun and Laurelle, one for Blessing and Kayla and Tyde, one for Steele and Liav, and one for Sage and her friends. I leaned and whispered to Troye. "I can't believe you invited so many people over!" I said laughing. Troye shrugged. "It's a big deal!"

"Okay okay your category is next Connor!!" Sage yelled excitedly. I laughed. The camera on tv showed people in the crowd "Look! There's Tyler!!" Laurelle screamed. I looked over at Troye and he was rolling his eyes. "There's Grace!" Tyde said pointing at the television. Blessing laughed. "Look at Miranda!!"

(Ok I know they didn't announce this category on television but here we go)

"Here we go!!" Troye yelled grabbing my hand tightly. Everyone had moved closer to where Troye and I were sitting. "And the winner for Favorite YouTube Star is......" The television announced. I squeezed Troye's hand tightly and closed my eyes.

"CONNOR FRANTA!!!!!!!" The hosted yelled.

Everyone jumped up yelling and celebrating. Troye and I stayed on the floor for a moment.

This isn't real... I did not just win a PCA...

Troye stood up and jumped up and down pulling me up with him. He pulled me into a kiss as we were in the center of the party going on around us. Everyone group hugged Troye and I and I have everyone a hug. "Oh my god!!!!" I yelled. It must have been for the 50th time. My phone started blowing up with texts.

Jenna marbles-

Connor!! Congrats! I'm so glad that you won! You deserve it way more than I do! Love you!!

Colleen Evans-

Congratulations Con!! I'm so overwhelmed that you won! (Miranda isn't that happy about it...) We all love you down here! Hope to see you soon :)

Tyler Oakley-


Grace Helbig-

Hey favorite YouTube star ;) congratulations! I hope you don't get to big and famous and forget about us :) Let's do a Not Too Deep when you get back! we miss youuuu I hope you're having fun with your boyfriend! <3

I laughed and replied to them all. As I was finishing up Grace's, Troye came behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck, resting his chin on my shoulder. I turned my neck to kiss him and then the whole family came in. We all decided to go celebrate with a nice dinner. When we were in the car, Bless asked me, "con? Are you upset that you weren't there?" Troye turned to look at me. I looked him in the eyes and smiled. "Why of course not. Why would I? My family is right here."


We meet again..

Hiii what's up how's it hey

Um so that was just a lil backstory on the night of the PCAs and idk kinda cool eh

But it was really fun creating that bitchy Tyler character hahah idek I love ty so

And I'm starting to update pretty frequently so yay me *claps like London Timpton*

Okay I gtg write the next chapter now ooooh

Xx, baylee 

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