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From: Connor

Troye. You won't answer me. You won't call me. I miss you. I'm so sorry for my mistakes and you've given me enough chances. I'm sorry.

I just have one question.

Didn't I make you feel good? Didn't I make you feel loved?

I never knew how to trust.
I never knew what it would do to us.

Didn't I make you feel special?
Didn't I make you feel new?

I never meant to break your heart... I didn't know what else to do.

Troye, we have an unspoken, beautiful, thing.

I was growing, still young.
And not knowing the pain I'd caused.

And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

I miss your gentle sweet whispers. And I miss your genuine eyes.

I miss your arms that wrap me up.

A sad goodbye.

I love you.


Woahhh ok a little different.... Um well this is kinda my favorite song at the moment. If you want to give it a lil listen, it's called Unspoken by Alex Burey and it's such a under rated song. Alex and I actually spoke for a little while on Twitter and he's literally the nicest guy ever. Ok ok enough of my rambling.... New chapter sooooon

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