Chapter 5

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Unique and China ran towards me yelling stop. When I realized what I was doing I let go. Nicole looked at me with fear in here. "You ain't shit! How you gone put your fucking hands on me King?!". "Bitch you hit me first!". Unique and China was cracking up at how mad she was. "I hate you King. You bet not ever call my phone again I swear to god!". I couldn't help but laugh because she looked a hot ass mess. I looked at her and put a big a smile on my face. "Frankly my dear, I DONT GIVE A FUCK". And on que my auntie pulled up.
Everybody got in the car and it was obvious something happened, but nobody said nothing. We pulled up to the house and Nicole immediately got in her car and left. I didn't even care. I went up stairs,put on some pajamas and fell asleep. I was tired as fuck.
I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. And a phone full of threats from Nicole's crazy ass. I picked my phone up and went downstairs. When I looked up I almost shit myself. Nicole was standing in my kitchen talking to my auntie. What the fuck was wrong with this bitch? "Yo what the hell going on down here?" I said as I went to pour me some orange juice. I was trying to not first 48 this hoe for coming here and keep cool. My auntie threw a spoon at me when I closed the fridge. "Watch your mouth lil bad ass girl." I threw the spoon in the sink and started eyeing Nicole. She looked at me with this dumb ass grin on her face. "Good morning baby!" I was really standing there trying to figure out if this bitch was delusional or fucking insane. "Aye auntie unique wanted you upstairs. Something about her hair appointment or some like that." She rolled her eyes and went upstairs. As soon as she was out of site I pinned Nicole against the pantry door. "What the fuck are you doing? Have you lost your fucking mind coming to my house like we a big ass happy family?" "King I know everything was crazy last night but no matter what you say I know you love me. When we make love it's with so much passion. You can't fake that!" "Make love? Passion? Nicole you weren't shit to me but a bitch with a pretty face and some good fucking top. That's it! And after last night that's all you'll ever be. So get the fuck out my house and delete my number." She looked and me then stormed out the house. China and Unique came downstairs laughing. Unique walked over and grabbed a piece of bacon. "Yo you one mean ass girl King. All she wanted to do was give you a concussion then come and make you breakfast the next morning. What's so bad about that?" China came and kissed me on my cheek still laughing at what Unique said. "You know, I was real convinced was crazy last night but it's official now. She like that white bitch off obsessed." We all looked at each other and bussed out laughing. "King hurry up and get dressed. I gotta take China home and take you school shopping." Oh shit. I had totally forgot about school. I went upstairs, took a shower and threw on a nike sweatsuit. We went to the mall and I got a bunch of Nike and Jordan stuff. It was late when we got back so I took a shower and was out.

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