The Journey Begins...

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You're journeying into the publishing world. It's going to be a great trip.  I started this to offer some tips. Everyone I talk to who knows I'm a published author gives me one of three responses:


2) Oh... I guess that's neat...

3) OMG! I want to be an author, too! What advice do you have for publishing a book?

This is for those of you who fall into category #3. I won't claim to know everything - no one does - but if you really want to publish a book, mastering some of the skills here will really help you start off strong.

And, hopefully, you'll get that book deal you've been dreaming of.

So, let's begin, with the art of the query letter... (You can continue learning more while you send off queries and wait to hear back from agents and editors.)

Published:  What They Don't Tell You In English ClassWhere stories live. Discover now