First time in a long time

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Edd quivered when Kevin took off Edd's belt, his shorts now so loose sliding them off was easy. Kevin's sweat pants quickly came off after that. Edd loved looking at Kevin's boxers, they were your stereo typical plaid. He could see Kevin's member lifting the fabric between his hands as he pressed. He heard noise from Kevin, which is strange because he normally doesn't make sound. "K-Kevin?" Edd paused with what he was doing to look up at him. Kevin's eyes were glossy and his cheeks were red.
"It's just been a while." Kevin kissed Edd's neck as Edd continued to rub him up and down. Edd's hands were soft but held a tight grip. Kevin slowly removed Edd's underwear and licked him from the bace to the tip. Edd let out a moan, his hands coming to his mouth to silence his voice. Kevin was very good at reading what Edd wanted. Kevin placed his hands at the bace and his mouth over the head licking the tip. Edd's legs shook in reflex and his moans harder to keep down. Kevin licked Edd's stomach, trailed to his chest, and kissed his neck. His hand still moving in an "up down" motion, Kevin whispered in his ear," let me hear you Eddward." Edd quickly covered his face with a pillow, shaking his head no. Kevin lifted the pillow off his face and kissed him passionately, "I like it Eddward." Kevin continued to kiss his neck then moved to where his hands were. He took all of Edd in his mouth and heard Edd react. Kevin bobbed his head in response, taking him in down and sucking at the tip. Kevin felt his mouth fill with Edd's cum and swallowed it all. He looked up at Edd and smiled, he saw him as red as a tomato, arms on either side of him, and breathing heavily. Kevin, satisfied, laid down next to him. He kissed Edd's neck and held his hand, holding his back to his own front. Kevin could tell Edd was tired so he covered them both in the blanket and took this time to take in Edd's scent.  Kevin closed his eyes and was in the  most comfortable position he's been in for a while.

Edd woke up cold, with something pressing in his back. It took him a moment to remember what had happened. He turned around to see Kevin still sound asleep. Edd got out of bed a put on Kevin's shirt, and a pair of boxers. He kissed Kevin's forehead and went down stairs. When he saw it was nine in the morning he couldn't believe how late he had slept in, however he also hadn't been that exhausted in a long time. Edd's cheeks turned red as he made breakfast for the two. Eggs sunny side up with toast, half a salted avocado, bacon, and orange juice was what Edd brought up to Kevin. He placed the tray of all the food on his nightstand and touched Kevin's shoulder.
"Goooood mornin' dorko!" Kevin said sleepily, "oh my gosh did you make breakfast for me?! It smells so good Edd I've really missed your cooking!" Kevin was wide awake and sat up properly. "You're wearing my shirt Eddward." Edd started to take it off when Kevin interrupted," keep it on... I like it. " Edd blushed and sat down on the bed next to them as they ate their food in peace. Kevin missed seeing the way Edd ate, he sectioned off each article of food and ate everything separately. Edd watching Kevin noticed that Kevin tried to get everything in one bite. Although they were very different they both smiled as the watched each other eat in silence. Kevin reached out and held Edd's hand until they finished their meal.

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