Chapter II: Jedi Masters and Visitors

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  The young Jedi knight was talking to the Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Kit Fisto about the battle plans for the next wave of battle droids.
"As a Jedi knight---"Master Mace Windu tried to say but was rudely interrupted by the Ben.
"A Jedi knight I was only moved to that rank a week ago. You can't expect me to comprehend the Jedi knight rank so quick." Ben said angrily.
"You are the son of the greatest Jedi in the order. You are better than this Ben." Mace said softly.
"Master Windu I was saying that we have more than enough troops but we need more Jedi." Ben said.
Mace thought about the offer for a long time.
"We will accept your offer. We will be arriving on planet Kronos in three weeks time." Master Windu said softly.
"Thank you master. I await your arrival." Ben said.


On the other side of the planet a starship was landing on a large platform. A smiling man named Admiral Carter Shark walked along the platform to meet the Sith Lord Darth Darren Marcus the father of Ben Marcus.
"Admiral I see that everything is going to plan?." Lord Marcus said cold but soft.
"Yes my Lord everything is as we planned." Carter said.
"Excellent. Now I can turn my son to the dark side of the force." The Sith Lord said laughing crazily. 
"Now Admiral are the droids ready?" The Sith asked.
"We will attack in three weeks." The Dark Lord of the sith said coldly.
"Sir yes sir." Admiral Shark shouted.

A Republic Shuttle can be heard overhead as it was coming in for a landing.
Ben and his clone commandos were waiting on the landing strip for the Jedi Master's.

"Masters it is so great to see you. As you can see my squad and I have prepared the base for your arrival." Ben said softly.
"Thank you young one." Mace said.

And from that moment on the Jedi spoke about the battle plans for the next wave of battle droids.

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