Ch.8 - Sara the Smoothie Thrower

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All of a sudden I feel like a cold liquid running down my hair on to my back.

I turn around and see Sara, with two of her best friends.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I was distracted by that big stomach of yours". Sara said sarcastically while her friends laugh behind her.

At this point almost everyone in the cafeteria has put their attention on us.

"How dare you". I say with anger.

"What, are you going t-"

Out of nowhere I bring my arm back and punch her square in the face.

"Omg Blair". Haley said.

Before Sara could do anything the principle comes in and calls are names...

"Blair, Sara, meet me in my office, immediately."

I really messed up this time.

5 minutes later

"Ladies what happened back their was completely unacceptable." The principal yelled at us.

I look over at Sara and I already see her nose bruising. I don't regret it though.

"You two will be suspended."

"What!" I say.

"That's not fair." Sara said.

"Ladies, calm down, since Sara didn't throw the punch, she will be suspended for two days, but you Blair will be suspended for three days." The rude, unfair principle said.

"Ha." Sara said mockingly.

"Sara don't say other word". The principal said.

After school

I open the front door, set my backpack down and see my parents sitting on the couch. Which is strange because they usually aren't home till 5:00pm.

"Blair, come here right now." I heard my dad say in a demanding tone.

"Coming." I said while walking over to them

"Would you like to explain the call we got from your principal?" My father asked.

"Okay this one girl that really doesn't like me spilled a smoothie on me on purpose, so I got tried of her crap so I punched her." I said very quickly.

"We didn't hear the full story I guess". My mom said.

"Also Ethan cheated on me with the girl that did that". I say with tears in my eyes.

"What? Ethan cheated on you!" My father asked.

"Y-yeah" I answered.

"Oh honey, come here". My mom said while motioning me into a hug.

After hugging my parents, I grab my bag and walk upstairs to my room. I then open my laptop and start watching a bunch of YouTube videos.

All of a sudden I feel sick. I throw my laptop on my bed, and start running towards the bathroom. I opened the toilet lid and threw up.

When I got done I wiped the throw up off my mouth. I then grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste, to remove the bad smell out of my mouth.

I turn off the lights, and walk back to my room. I continue watching YouTube until I realize that I'm starving.

I go downstairs and grab a donut. Hey don't judge me, I'm pregnant and I get cravings. I grab my phone and go on Instagram. All of a sudden I get a text from Allison.

B=Blair A=Allison

A-Blair go on snapchat right now and look at different peoples stories.


A-Just look!! Now!!

B-okay fine.

I swipe out of iMessage, and click on snapchat. I click on a girl that was in my English class last year.

It's a video of me punching Sara!

I click on another one

It's a video of Sara pouring her drink down my back!

All the ones I click are either me punching her or Sara pouring her drink on me. Can't people not be on social media for 5 minutes!

I finish eating my donut, and storm upstairs. I open my door and sit on my bed.

I text Allison back

B=I can't believe people did that!

A=I know! But at least now I actually saw it.

B=But still.

I turn off my phone, I got up and stared at myself in my mirror. I turn to my side and stare at my stomach. I then think about the baby, the poor baby.

I hear my phone buzz. I walk over to it expecting it to be Allison, but I was completely wrong.

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