Chapter 21

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Joey's pov


I saw shane, i was running as fast as my legs would carry me. Darkness was inching closer and i was just barely escaping it. My legs seemed to be going slower and shane was just getting farther away.


He just got farther and my feet suddenly stopped. The dark engulfed my legs and it began to burn through my skin. I screamed but no noise came out of my mouth. I struggled to get out of the substance as it continued to slowly creep up my body.

Soon enough i looked arouund me and the black substance was a pit and i was slowly being sucked under. It got to my arms and i screamed trying to find something to pull myself up. Everything hurt and burned, my vision was blurry and faded.

I finally sunk under and i struggled to breathe. I couldn't swim up because i lost all comprehension of where up was. My lungs ached and burned, i breathed in and tar entered my lungs.

I then coughed and expelled the liquid from my lungs and i groaned trying to stand up. Instead i just screamed when i felt something sharp drive right through my chest. I coughed and this time blood came up hard. I groaned and bright lights came on making me shut my eyes and squint to adjust to it.

My vision started to clear up and i looked at the man who stabbed me. Shane stood there with a big crazy smile and he twisted the blade inside me. I screamed.


He laughed and his eyes turned dark black and he coked his head to the side. He screamed at me and the world went black again. Voices started swarming around my head and i had to endure the torture of lsitening to them. They were all the voices of people i knew. Next thing i know, they're all appearing in front of me one by one.

Rose: You fucking fag. I hope you kill yourself.

Maria: You never helped me. All you did was bring danger and harm to all of us.

Mom: Where did your father and i go wrong? Hmm? WHY CAN'T YOU BE NORMAL?!?!

Dad: I have no son.

Daniel then came into view and i was so small compared to him. He punched me and i looked up at him with tears in my eyes. He spoke and the words rang through my ears so fucking loudly.


I screamed and my world begin to shake rapidly and light came into my vision slowly.

Shane's pov

I was in the deepest sleep of my life and i was dreaming about me and joey getting married. My dream then became blurry and i opened my eyes. I saw joey sleeping and i smiled rubbing his back as he laid on top of me. Rose and maria were already awake and drinking coffee. Sunai was still passed out and i don't blame her. Being locked in that nut cases house would tire me out too.

Joey then took in a deep breath and i just thought something in his dream shocked him or he's just breatheing. But soon enough his body started shaking and his face turned blue.I flipped us over and i stood up. I lightly shook joey and i started to panic.

Shane: Babe, wake up. Come on it's just a dream.

Maria: What's wrong?

Shane: I think joey's dreaming and he won't wake up. He's not breathing.

Rose: Oh god.

We surrounded him and maria hit his chest making him breathe. I breathed a sigh of relief and i tried shaking him again. He started sweating and breathing heavy, ok even though this is a really bad situation but he looks so fucking hot right now. I shook it off and i tried shaking him harder.

Shane: Joey wake you up.

He started screaming and crying. I was getting really scared, sunai then pushedp ast us and leaned down close to his ears.

Sunai's pov

I woke up to screams and i rubbed my eyes sitting up. I saw joey and i ran over and i leaned down and i whispered to him.

Sunai: Shh, lockstar. Lockstar.

He soon stopped screaming and he opened his eyes. I let out a deep breath and shane hugged him tightly as i stood up.

Maria: What did you do?

Sunai: Daniel gave joey that submissive drug a few weeks back. It has like this cloaking effect in his body so doctors can't detect it. If effected long enough daniel can lock you in this dream and you had to use the password to wake him up.

Rose: Is it like a chip?

Sunai: Somewhat like that but yea.

Joey started shaking and crying as he curled into a ball rolling over. He held his head and rocked back and fourth rapidly.

Shane: What's wrong baby?

Joey: S-So bad. So bad.

Sunai: Don't worry, he'll come to soon. The nightmares get pretty traumatic.

Maria: I see that.

Shane's pov

I held joey close and i rocked him gently trying to knock the edge off. I gently kissed his hair and he gave me a small smile.

Joey: S-S-Shane.

Shane: Hush, don't speak darling, just rest. You need it babe, it's alright.

He nodded and shut his eyes as i hummed a soft panic at the disco tune to him. He giggled and i smiled as he hummed with me.

I just remembered, our wedding is in a few months, we've got a bunch of stuff planned but we also have a bunch of stuff left to do. I'm incredibly excited and i just want it to be here already. Once i'm married i can have a better life. I can start off fresh, just me and joey. We'll have children, we might get a new puppy, a new house, just something better then this life.

Joey: You're talking to yourself again.

Shane: Ugh, i have got to stop sharing my secrets with you.

He smiled and pecked my lips. i stared into his big green eyes and he stared back into my green ones. Love was passed through our gaze and i pushed him down on the couch in a deep kiss. He smiled and wrapped his legs around my waist. I smirked and i carried him upstairs slamming the door behind us.

Author's note.

God damn, i'm so sorry for taking so long to update. I hope you liked the chapter, i think it was kinda good. If not i'm sorry. Now i'm gonna go, i love you all, bye byeeeeeeee <3

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