Chapter 26

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Shane's pov

Joey was rushed to the hospital and i managed to get myself in the amblance. This has happened too many times, joey is always the one to take the pain or he gets the conseqences. It's not fair, he doesn't deserve this, he doesn't deserve all that pain. I....i don't deserve him at all, he needs someone that's not a wanted criminal around the world. He needs someone who isn't at war with a bunch of other criminals, he needs someone that's not me.

We got to the hospital and they took him to a room. And as always i'm banished to the waiting room like a puppy getting locked in a crate after being bad. I hate this room so much, i've spent some of my darkest hours here. Since i was a baby i've had the worst times here. Everyone in my family has been here, it's heart breaking when you think about it. Well no shit it's sad, even birth sometimes is the saddest thing.

Shane: This fucking sucks.

Man: Please watch your language. There are children in here.

Shane: Oh i'm so sorry. They fucking suck too.

He scoffed and i rolled my eyes going on my phone. Alex sent me a text and i opened it browsing it over.

Alex: Is everything alright?

Shane: I'm not sure. I have a few burns on me and joey is nothing but cuts and burns right now.

Alex: Is he alive?

Shane: For right now i'm certain.

Alex: Good.

Shane: I have a question. Why did you help us? Also, why were you at our house this late at night?

Alex: .......

Shane: Answer damn it.

Alex: Ok, daniel hired me. He made me, sawyer, and jared light your house on fire. But i got a realization of how much of a monster i i came in to help. I'm so done with all this murder bull shit.

Shane: I'm glad to hear that. But you and me are in this together now. There's no going back.

Alex: Yea i know.

Shane: We'll figure this out soon i guess.

Alex: What's there to figure out?

Shane: Life, just life.

Doctor: Family and friends of joey graceffa?

Shane: Gotta go.

Alex: Keep me posted.

Shane: WIll do

I put my phone away and i nodded walking over to the doctor. He led me through the corridors and hallways as we came to room 504.

Doctor: He's awake just don't startle him. He needs to stay relaxed. If his heart rate goes up then he has the potention of going into hapilyptic shock or even a heart attack.

Shane: U-Um ok.

He nods and leaves as i hesitantly put my hand on the handle as i took a few deep breathes. I went to walk inside but a female nurse grabbed my arm and looked at my face.

Nurse: You're bleeding let me help you.

Shane: I'm fine, now let me go.

Nurse: No, now come here.

She dragged me to an empty room and had me pull my shirt off as she inspected my wounds. I flinched when she ran her hand across my back.

Shane: Will you stop fucking feeling me and do your job?

Nurse: just look so hot.

Shane: Fuck off.

Nurse: Well you're stubborn.

Shane: My house is burnt down, my boyfriend is here because he got crushed by rubel, my life is falling apart and i'm in pain, SO YEA I'LL BE A LITTLE STUBBORN!

She quickly bandaged my wounds and i shoved her down as i ran to joey's room quickly going inside. He gasped and his eyes went wide and i remembered he needed to stay calm.

Shane: Shh calm down it's just me. Don't worry baby.

He nodded and i calmly walked over to him and he looked up at me with such pain and regret.

Shane: How ya feeling?

Joey: Hurting everywhere.

Shane: I'm sorry, want me to lay down with you?

Joey: No, is wolf ok?

Shane: We don't know but i'm sure he's fine, don't worry about it baby.

Joey: Ok, and the house?

Shane: They couldn't save it.

Joey's pov

Joey: So it's completely gone?

Shane: Yea, i'm so so-


Shane: Wait what?

Joey: Oh my god, i've been waiting for this day for so long.

Shane: Joey, i don't think you understand, our house is gone.

Joey: But shane, i understand it so well. Yes that FUCKING AWFUL HOUSE IS GONE!!!

I started to cry but they were tears of pure joy. Ok that and i was in a big amount of pain from all the burns but it was mostly happiness. I've been hoping for this day for so long.

Shane: Joey what's wrong with you?

Joey: I've been wanting to get out of that house since the first week we moved in. So many mistakes and problems have filled that house. There's nothing but bad memories there and i just wanted them to be wiped away. I hated that house, there was just a bad feeling at all times when i was there. But now we're free of those awful times, we're free of all the bad memories. They've been burned and tossed to space forever. Now we can buy a new house and make new memories, we can have better times and a better life. This is an amazing start to the rest of our lives.

Shane: Wow joey, i didn't know you felt this way. Why didn't you tell me?

Joey: Because telling you never was an option. I just suspected that you would get angry and storm off thus creating more bad tention.

Shane: Joey, you're going to be my husband, you can tell me anything you want to.

Joey: I know, we were just in a bad time.

Shane: I know darling.

He leaned down and kissed my forehead as i smiled wiping my now quickly falling tears. He locked us in a kiss and i shut my eyes as i caressed his back softly.

Shane: Our love life is so strange.

Joey: Yes, but it's renewed now. Our love is fresh and ready to be tested.

I smiled and he laid down with me as i cuddled close to him. I'm ready for this fresh start and i plan to make the best of it.

Author's note

Ok, so i actually liked this chapter a lot. I hope you guys did too. And i'm sorry for all the slow updates, i've had a long week and i feel really relaxed. Now i'm gonna go, i love you all, bye byeeeeeeee <3

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