Got tagged.

157 5 52

@Hot_Grandma and @AlyssaDawson232 tagged me. Soooo here we go.

Do you like the scent of vanilla? Why or why not?

Um I hate it. My mom loves that scent. Ughhhh it's just awful.

2. Favorite color?

SILVER. I love that color so much.

3. Least favorite fruit?

Bananas. Since I was a baby I hated them.

4. paper or plastic?


5. do you like coconut?

in moderation yea. Pure coconut I've never had

6. How do you like your eggs?

In a big omlet with bacon and cheese.

7. do you think you're cool? Why or why not?

Um, yes. I may act like an over dramatic bitch sometimes but when I'm level headed I'm decent. I love to dance and I got DAT ASS. Haha kidding. But yea.

Now I tag.








My questions are.

1) Best friend?

2) Favorite type of drink. (It can be any kind)

3) Favorite thing about yourself?

4) Favorite thing that you do to relax?

5) Favorite story you've ever read?

6) Favorite vacation spot?

7) Can you twerk?

There ya go. Make sure you tag me so I know ya did it. Byeeeeeee

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