Chapter One

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I was sat alone on the train, staring at my empty journal. It was just a regular plain black leather journal. I had seen it in the shop and instantly fell in love, and when my parents asked me what I wanted for 'my going to Hogwarts present' and I had told them about the journal. they had been surprised. Everyone else in my family had asked for big, extravagant things. Well, I was different. I've known that for a long time. I didn't enjoy the same things as them, I didn't believe the same things. Heck. I didn't even look like them. But I was a Howell. That was enough to send almost any wizard running in fear. Im supposed to be respected, strong and regal. I was none of those things. I was shy, quiet and clumsy. I was the opposite of my family and i was ok with that, in fact most the time I tried to avoid my mom and my dad as much as possible. I was lost in my thoughts for most of the supposedly magical train ride to the wizarding school until the old compartment door was opened by a short girl that was obviously around my age. Her hair was wild and untamed and she honestly seemed to bubblegum for my taste but, what do I know. I've never met anybody that didn't act like a stuck up brat. "Hello have you seen- are you all alone in here?" She changed subject mid sentence. I nodded, a slight bit weirded out by her quick train of thought and she tilted her head. This girl looked interesting. I quite liked her. "It must be lonely! Surely you wouldn't mind if I stayed for a minute?." She had a soothing voice. I smiled at her and nodded. She took that as her cue to sit down across from me. "Hello! My names Carrie hope fletcher. I just found out I'm a wizard a few months ago. Did you know? I was really surprised." I smiled at her. My parents would have a fit if they knew I was talking to a muggle born. I didn't care though, this girl was sweet and I liked her so far. "Um, yes actually. My parents are wizards. My names Daniel Howell. But you can call me dan." I put my hand out for her to shake it and she did. "Ok Dan." She smiled. Just looking at her made me want to smile to. She was a very happy and bubbly person. "Anyhow I heard that they have a class here with unicorns! I mean... Isn't that great?! All this magic and stuff! I know I'm going to love it and we haven't even gotten off the train!" She laughed. "Yeah. It is really exciting isn't it?" I asked and she nodded. Our conversation was interrupted by a boy with messy brown hair opening a door. "Carrie! We have to get back to the compartment!" The boy beckoned my new friend out. She looked at me as if to ask permission if she can go, I nodded and she waved me goodbye before following the curly haired boy back wherever she came from. Seeing as I had quite a while before we would arrive, I opened up my journal and began to write a description of carrie. I didn't want to forget my new friend.

"Carrie Hope Fletcher.
She thought magic was exciting,
She was loud, and bubbly and fun.
I quite liked her."

Underneath that I spent the rest of the ride sketching a rough picture of the girl I hoped to see again. I barely even noticed when the train stopped moving and the prefects started pushing us off into the platform before rushing us away from the crowd toward a small group of first years and a really hairy tall man. "Ok then if that's the last of ya' first years then we'll be off. Come on. Follow me." He had some sort of weird accent that couldn't exactly place. We all followed him away from the other students and towards the lake.


The Picture of Carrie he drew is up above!

Hello! Welcome to my first phanfic ^-^ warning: it's probably going to be really crappy so bare with me.

Thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoyed it!

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