Chapter Three

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The rush of the platform was almost too much for me. People in suits ran through the crowds in every which way. I stuck to walking along the wall. The crowd scared me and I wanted to be as far from it as possible. I looked down at the ticket Mr. Longbottom had given me. I had already asked an attendant for help but he only turned me down saying the platform didn't exist. My eyes went back up to the crowd. I could barely make out the 9 and 10 ahead of me but I couldn't figure out where platform 9 3/4 was. Could it be a typo? Do train tickets have typos? I turned around and watched the crowd for a moment before out of the corner of my eye I see a girl fall. I rush over to make sure she was okay.
"Whew. Thanks for the help." she took my hand and pulled her self up. "Sorry, I'm normally not this clumsy I just don't do crowds very well." I nodded and smiled at the girl. She was tall and lanky. She gave of a small girlish feel thanks to her oversized sweater and short brown hair. "Stop lying Cath. We all know your clumsy all the time." an even taller girl came out from somewhere on the crowd. This girl looked a bit more mature but she still gave off a nice edge. The girl who fell, which I assume is named Cath spoke up. "Shut up Sam. At least let me pretend to be normal." Cath stuck her tongue out and the other girl laughed. "Umm, hello." I awkwardly smiled at the two. "oh yeah hi. I'm Sam and this is Cath." Sam smiled back at me. "Hi. Maybe you can help me?" I asked. It was a long shot but maybe these two girls knew about how to get to my platform. "Sure. What's up?" Cath asked. I showed them my ticket and explained that I couldn't find the platform. As soon as she saw it Cath bursts out laughing.
"Oh, yeah sure we'll help you." Sam smiled at me, but sent Cath a death glare: "It's simple really. You see that brick wall right there?" She pointed to a large pillar type thing in between 9 and 10. I nodded and she kept talking, telling me how to get on the platform. As she spoke I could practically feel my jaw drop. It was absolutely ridiculous. "Wait. So you expect me to just run into a wall?" Cath nodded to answer my question and I laughed.
I mean what else had I expected. This was obviously some big intricate prank. Probably put on by someone at school. "What's so funny?" Sam asked. "Oh nothing nothing I was just wondering. Are they paying you to do this?" I asked. My mind immediately went back to Tyler and his group of dickheads. This obviously has something to do with them. "Ummm, sorry mate but no ones paying us." Cath looked confused. "Wait so your telling me your doing this for free? This whole wizard thing?" I asked. Cath still looked confused but sam was laughing too. "yup here watch this." cath looked over her shoulder to be sure now one was looking and she ran straight head on into the wall and...  she passed right through a brick wall. Sam laughed as my face fell. This world was actually real. Sam pushed me forward and told me to go while no one was looking. I gripped the handle on my old, torn up bag and took a deep breath. I ran towards the solid looking wall. As I neared it, I closed my eyes preparing for an impact that never came.   

when I opened my eyes I realized that I wasn't at Kings cross anymore. Instead of crowds of rushed business people running around, scattered groups of people in colorful clothes and mix match clothing filled up a large room as a red steam engine took up the majority of the room. I looked around but didn't spot sam or cath anywhere. I wasn't really surprised they had ditched me. it tends to happen to me a lot. Now that I had gotten on the platform I started walking in the general direction of the train hoping that I could find how to get on the train. as I walked I couldn't help but notice the abundance of family's around me.  I stopped and stared at a particular girl. She was short with long brown hair. She was smiling and laughing at something her brother had said while her parents looked on. The girl couldn't have been older than me yet when I looked at her family I couldn't help but smile. I thought back to the small going away party my mother had thrown for me the night before.

it was tiny but the thought behind it all was the best part. I had spent my last night at home sitting around the table with my mom and my sister as we laughed and ate the small cake my mom had managed to find the ingredients to make. My sister was laughing and cracking jokes the whole time. The memory brought a smile to my face. She was a lot tougher than most girls her age. Kylie had been through more than any person should have to yet she still manage to keep a positive look on the world. I was interrupted from my thoughts by the loud ring of a whistle, I realized that was the last call to get aboard and ran to get on the train. All the compartments on the first half of the train where full so i was forced to venture my way towards the back. I didn't bother to knock because I could tell how many people were in their just by the shadows. I started to give up hope when I noticed one compartment only had three people. Deciding this was probably my best choice I knocked on the door. I waited but no one answered so I knocked a second time. The door opened to reveal a familar face.

"you." he stared at me and i had the sudden urge to run for my life.

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