Chapter Four

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"You." he stared at me. I felt the sudden urge to run. Standing only inches in front of me was none other than the Tyler Oakley. Suddenly every terrible thing that had happened to me at my old school came back to me. Every time he had laughed as i was shoved against the lockers and every time I had been victim to one of his stupid pranks. I thought I had finally been freed from his stupid colorful hair and fake smiles when I got my letter, yet it doesn't seem like im that lucky,. "since when were you a wizard huh lester?" he asked while I stared at him still speechless from shock. "arent you going to answer me?" being to stupid to react like regular person I did the only thing I could think of. I ran as fast as I could away from my old bully.
Because I wasn't looking where I was going I knocked into someone and we both fell into the ground. "Oh god." I held my head where it had hit the ground and helped the girl I had knocked down. I instantly recognized the girl as Sam. She had changed from her t shirt and jeans  into the school uniform. "Oh god I'm sorry I didn't see you and I knocked you dow-" I tried to apologize but she cut me off. "It's fine Phil." She laughed and I smiled back at her. "Where were you running anyway? You don't look like the kind to just randomly Start exercising." I suddenly felt self conscious of my small frame but managed to avoid answering the question. "Oh um sorry but I couldn't find a compartment." I looked down at my feet. Surely she'd want to leave now. I mean, who would want to hang out with someone who ain't even find their own place to sit. She smiled at me "oh it's fine, come on you can sit with us." I smiled back and she took that as a yes. Taking my hand she led me up a bit towards the front of the train and opened the door on one of the first few compartments. "Most people don't like these ones because the prefects are close to us, but the prefects don't really care what you do long as no ones fighting." She explained and I nodded. Inside the compartment two other people sat on soft worn in looking couch like seats. Cath was curled up in a ball in the corner, she looked fast asleep. She was also in the uniform only instead of a blue tie like Sam she had on a yellow one. Next to Sam was a boy with brown curly hair and bright eyes. His tie was black like mine, meaning that he was also a first year. "Phil this is Cath, you've already met and that's pj. My cousin. He's a bit annoying but still he's here." I nodded towards pj who smiled back, I took the seat next to Sam and leaned back. I can't believe I was actually here. I was on a train, with wizards on my way to a magical boarding school. It almost seems like something out of a book. we sat in silence for the majority of the ride. Cath stayed asleep while Sam read and pj was writing in a journal of sorts. I stayed quiet and stared out the window. My mind was buzzing with all sorts of ideas of what the school would be like and what I would do. For the first time in what feels like forever I was genuinely excited about something.
When the train stopped Sam woke up Cath and me and pj went ahead towards the large burly man Sam had told us to go to. We found him quickly and soon enough we boarded some boats and rode across the lake towards the castle that was to be our new school. We followed the man who I learned was called Hagrid up a small hill and into the castle were professor longbottom explained to us how we would be sorted. Instead of listening I drowned out his words and looked around at the magnificent room. It had high ceilings and the walls were made of stone. The bottom half looked older, more antique yet as my eyes scanned up I realized that most of the material was newer. It looked as if it had been placed only a few years ahead. I pointed it out to pj who shrugged and said some kid probably just messed it up so they replaced it. I wasn't so sure about his answer but I shrugged and let it be. I turned my attention back to our teacher. He was a tall, gruff man he looked like he could easily beat any of us up. He was large but he had a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes that made me seriously doubt he wouldn't even begin to consider fighting any one. He noticed me and smiled back at me before winking. I was immediately taken aback. No one else seemed to notice because they were busy either talking or freaking out. The reason unknown because I hadn't really been listening. I followed the group as the teacher led us into the dining hall. In the time that took I learned from Pj that the teacher was called professor longbottom and that he taught herbology which was the word for wizarding plants. I grimaced at the thought of taking that class. Every plant I've touched has died so far.
Inside the dining room they lined us up in front of four tables all decorated in different colors, which I knew was for the different houses. Instead of the customary chandelier and maybe a lamp or too, the entire room was lit by floating candles. That by itself was more than magical enough for me yet the most magnificent thing in the room had to me the ceiling.  At a single glance you would assume that there was no ceiling at all because it looked exactly like the murky night Sky.
The hushed whispers coming from the tables were silenced by a stern older woman dressed in an emerald green robe. I assumed she was headmistress mcgonagall due to the fact that the moment she stepped towards the podium everything fell quiet. "Welcome students to another year at school." She spoke with an elegant dignity that demanded respect, yet something about her was off. She talked for what seemed like forever before professor longbottom began calling us first years up to be sorted. Student after student was sent upstage where a hat was put on there heads deciding their future at Hogwarts. I watched as pj was sorted into ravenclaw like his cousin, and a girl I recognized from the platform placed into gryffindor. I could only watch in anticipation till they called out my name. When they finally did I ran up to the teacher so fast I almost knocked the stool and professor longbottom down in the process. Of course he only laughed and laid the hat on my head, who to my curiosity began to speak.

"Ah, well. Hello there mr. Lester."

"Oh um, hello mr. Hat."

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