Chap. 17

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Thinking (kians P.O.V) Im trying Kian's P.O.V, Get into his mind for once

I was honestly so sad, but if Ava wanted to move on, I wasn't stopping her.

It was Thursday. And 3 blonde headed girls we're going around handing papers out for some kind of spring formal. I knew I would get millions of dates, but I only wanted one person.

I walked around the halls, because who the fuck goes to class? Exactly.
In less than 15 minutes I had to go to the counselor. Talk my feelings out, ya know?

I walked there a little early and knocked on the door. Mrs.Banks answered

She was a very short, brown headed college student like lady. She was pretty hot.

"Hello, Kian you're early." She said looking at her watch

"Yeah." I nodded "I guess I have a lot to say?" I said sitting down

"Okay. Kian go ahead tell me how your month was, like sum it up for me." she said pulling out a small spiral notebook and a blue pen.

I was a little hesitant to at first but I had to, I had no one to tell, my parents were never home. Jc would think I'm a baby. So I blurted it out.

"I fell in love, I think." I said running my fingers through my hair.

"More detail Kian if you don't mind."

"Well uh. There is this girl named Ava, and she makes the good come out of me. I don't know what it is, I want her to be mine because we've been talking about being serious for about 2 or 3 months now. She's like that r-rainbow that comes after the rain, she's innocent. And I hurt her." I say trying to hold in the tear.

She nodded. "Kian.. I think you are in love, why don't you try making it up to her?"

She hates me.

A/N: Okay first off thank u for 400 reads. Also, all your messages. I would check instagram, but my wifi's down for a few days. Also comment if you like Kian's P.O.V i'll do it more. Love ya kittens
Instagram; LawleySammich

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