Chapter 1

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"The Hiragi Shinoa Squad is withdrawing from the Japanese Imperial Demon Army"

Three weeks have passed since Shinoa Squad, Narumi and Mika ran away from the JIDA and the vampires. They have found a quiet place near the sea, but there's still one problem...

"Mitsu~, can you bring those boxes over here, please?" Shinoa said pointing a pile of boxes. "I want to see if there's something useful inside"

"Why do I always have to do the hard work?" Mitsuba said while walking toward the boxes. "Shinoa, you can do this yourself".

"Hehe, sorry Mitsu I'm busy right now" Shinoa giggled.

"You are doing nothing" Mitsuba complained. "Anyway, I can't take all these boxes, they are too heavy" she grumbled while lifting them up slowly.

Suddenly the weight disappeared from her arms, she looked up just to see a pair of red eyes staring at the boxes and taking them away from her.

"Mikaela?" she mumbled.

"You humans are useless" he sighed, walking with the boxes as if they weighed nothing. "Here".

"Oh, thank you Mika-san" Shinoa said, a bit amused by the vampire's actions. "Can you leave them on the floor please?"

He left them there and attempted to leave but was stopped by the girl's voice.

"Mika-san, you haven't rest in these three weeks" Shinoa said a bit serious. "You should go and rest with the others"

"Huh? Idiot, I'm a vampire" the blond said. "I'll be fine".

"Come on Mika-kun, you have been part of the night shifts since we arrived here" Yoichi said from afar. "Rest a bit".

"That's none of your business" Mika said. "I don't want to"


"Well, well. If you don't want to rest, then go help Yoichi and Mitsu to prepare the dinner" Shinoa said with a smirk on her face.

"Huh? No way, I'm going to look over Yuu-chan and-"

Shinoa cut him off and gave him a bag full of food.

"Ne, Yoichi, take him with you"

"Sure!" Yoichi approached Mika and pushed him gently in the back to make him walk.

"Wait, I don't want to-"

"Bye, bye" Shinoa waved her hand while watching the two guys leave.

The truth was that the girl only wanted everyone to get along. She didn't knew much about Mika, but he was part of their 'family' now.

"Tch, why do I have to help you cooking" Mika grumbled.

"Hehe, come on Mika-kun, it'll be fun".

The two boys walked towards a building that seemed to be a restaurant before the apocalypse occurred.

"Hey guys, we brought the food" Yoichi said cheerfully.

Kimizuki and Mitsuba were waiting inside the place and were a little confused when they saw the vampire came in.

"Oh good, you brought the vampire" Kimizuki said. "I'll need someone to help me".

"Eh? But I was going to help you" Mitsuba exclaimed.

"No way I'll let you touch the food!"

"Why? I just burned it a little last time..."

Mika just stood there listening to the fight and finally spoke.

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