Chapter 3

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Everyone stared at the short girl, waiting for her to continue.

"Well, more than a plan it's a suggestion for you"

"So? What is it?" Mitsuba asked.

"Well, I have been worried about this grumpy vampire who is now part of our team"

"You mean Narumi?" Kimizuki pointed at the older boy.

"What?! I'm not a vampire, you idiot" the brunet exclaimed, making a fist with his hand. "And who are you calling grumpy!?"

"You are talking about Mika-kun?" Yoichi asked, trying to ignore the guys' fight.

"Yeah, as you may know vampires need to feed from blood to survive" Shinoa shook her head. "But I haven't seen Mika-san drink any since we arrived here"

"Oh, that's true" Mitsuba said. "I haven't seen him either"

The rest of the squad agreed with that too.

"You know, we can't have a blood-thirsty vampire prowling around here, it'll put us in danger. But also, if he doesn't drink it'll be really painful for him and in the worst case he can turn into a demon" Shinoa said and stayed quiet for a second.

"I want to help Mika-san as much I want to protect us" she thought calmly about her next words. "So... I want to know what do you think about giving him some of our blood? I mean, like in a bottle or something alike"

Everyone stayed silent for a while, thinking of their answers.

"Ah, I see your point..." Kimizuki said breaking the silence. "Having two demons hanging around here would be a great problem. I'm not really happy of having to give my blood, but if it's just I little I think I can deal with it" he said trying to sound carefree.

"Kimizuki-kun is really kind after all" Yoichi said after hearing his friend's words.

"It's not like that!" the pink-haired boy exclaimed, a slight bush was visible on his cheeks "I mean, it may give us more work in the future if we leave the things like these..."

"Kimizuki really is a kind person" Shinoa said teasingly.

"Indeed he is" Mitsuba followed Shinoa's tease. "But I'm okay with it too"

"Yeah, me too" Yoichi exclaimed happily. "After all, he's part of our family now"

"Narumi-san?" Shinoa looked at the boy, waiting to hear his opinion.

"Well..." he rubbed the back of his neck. "That vampire was one of the reasons why Yayoi and Kagiyama got killed, but dealing with him going insane would be a real pain"

"So?" the short girl grinned.

"I guess its fine" the boy sighed and crossed his arms.

"Great, so it's decided-"

"Wait Shinoa" Mitsuba didn't let Shinoa finish the sentence. "Before doing anything, do you really think Mikaela will accept our blood just like that?"

"Hmm, good point" Shinoa sighed. "But don't worry about it, just don't tell him anything yet. I'll talk with Yuu-san about this too, and maybe he'll give some advice"

Everyone in the Squad had been taking turns to look over Yuu, even though Mika didn't like the idea of letting his family alone with the humans. The truth is that during Shinoa's shifts, Yuuichiro had told her some things/facts about Mika, including how he refused to drink human blood until he no longer could hold his thirst and drank from Yuu.

With all this conversations, Shinoa came up with the idea that maybe Mikaela wouldn't feel really culprit if he drank blood from someone who he doesn't care much about, and now that she had suggested it to the squad and got their approval, it was time to talk it with Yuu.

"Oh and also there's another topic I wanted to talk about"

"What is it now?" Narumi sighed. "You want us to offer our flesh to the Horsemen of John this time?"

"No, no" Shinoa waved her hand. "Not yet, I-"

The sound of some footsteps approached the squad.

"So what is this? Is it some kind of meeting?" it was Mika.

"Mika-san you arrive in time" Shinoa said when he noticed the vampire. "Yeah I was about to ask for the approval of something"

Everyone looked at Shinoa waiting for her to continue.

"It's about Yuu-san"

Mika widened his eyes when he heard Yuuichiro's name.

"What does this humans want form Yuu-chan now?"

"We all know that Yuu-san turns into a demon just for a while during the day" Shinoa continued. "So what do you think about releasing him at least for now"

"There are high chances for Yuu-chan to get hurt if the demon possesses him while he's not chained. There's no way I can allow that to happen"

"Hmm... true but, is easy to know when the demon is going to take control over him, isn't it?" Yoichi pointed out.

"Yeah, so if we allow him just to hang around this area there won't be any problems" Mitsuba said.

"I really don't like to see Yuu-chan confined like that, but is releasing him a good option?..."

Shinoa waited some minutes for the squad to think about it and consider the possibilities.

"I think is fine if he doesn't go too far" Yoichi opined.

The rest of the squad agreed with that too. The only one left was Mika.


"If you don't agree with us, don't worry" the purple-haired girl pointed. "We'll forget about this now and rethink it later"

"This will be for Yuu-chan's sake right?"

Mika just nodded in approval.

"Okay it's decided, so we'll set Yuu-san free and only confine him again when the demon is about to take control again"

The words of approval and happiness could be heard from the squad.

"So Mika-san" Shinoa approached Mika silently. "Are you going to tell Yuu-san about this or do you want me to do it?" she said teasingly.

"I'll do it" Mika turned back and headed to the shed where his family was.

"Is it really okay to trust this humans?"


Yai, after a 2 month hiatus, here's a trashy chapter for you.

As you may have realised I never have anything preparated for a ch. and just start typing as the ideas pop into my mind hehe (so this is basically just dialog lol).

Also it's 4:23 here in México so this is not beta'd, if something sound weird feel free to tell me and sorry for the mistakes.

Comments and votes always make me happy ♥ (tell me what you think about this trash:3)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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