Chapter 5

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Here came the lies, the excuses. Or so he thought. However, Francis didn't say a word. The quiet went for so long that he was forced to break off the dramatics and turn to look at him. The Frenchman was just standing there with a stricken expression on his unfairly handsome face. "Nothing to say, Frog?" He spat, "You could at least squeak out an apology. A 'thank you' wouldn't hurt either since I've wasted a hell of a lot longer here than I bloody intended."
"Oui je suis désolé." He muttered, his cigarette burning up quickly. "Sorry, Angleterre. You can go now."
"Can I?" Could he? By god he wanted to but his feet weren't cooperating.
"Can't you?"
It was something in Francis' eyes. Something that he'd seen too often in his own. As much as he wanted to turn away, the longing and the agony in those bewitching baby blues entangled him. It was a magic he'd never been good at resisting despite the counter-curses and wards he put up against them. "We have a meeting." He reminded needlessly in an effort to escape. "Don't be late or Canada will spill his syrup."
Again he turned his back, but he still felt the pull of those damnable irises. They were crying 'save me' and 'help' but he couldn't even save his bloody self. His life was as bleak as Sherlockian London. What sunshine could he offer when he couldn't even part his own clouds?
Francis caught his hand as he headed for the door. "Arthur."
"What?" He snarled, ripping his fingers free of that abhorrent touch with such vehemence that he felt immediately guilty. That fact alone was enough to push his frustration into the red zone. He just wanted to get away. "I can't hel-"
"Who have you told?" Francis inquired in a tone as hushed and cold as snowfall.
His heart beat faster. France suddenly looked formidable and, as always, it made him feel things he didn't want to. "No one."
"Haven't had ze time?"
"I just chose to keep my mouth shut." He hissed, "But if that doesn't satisfy you I'm sure Alfred can make a catchy YouTube video all about it. The story of your pansy-ass sulk festival will be viral in minutes. How's that?"
"Zat zounds more like you."
The attitude he was receiving made it immensely easier to walk away and he was as thankful as his temper allowed him to be. "Casse-toi." He barked, leaving his guilt in the doorway as he left.

Thanks Lunacepuff for the stars. I stopped what I was doing to update just for you. 😘

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