Chapter Two

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~Chapter 2~

         The boy had amazing green eyes and brown hair. I stared up at him for a while before looking over at Jason and the other boy laying on the ground laughing. I smiled. I looked back at the boy standing up and found him staring at me. Jason got up and offered me a hand up. I grabbed it and he pulled me up, intertwining his fingers with mine. The green eyed boy looked down at our hands then looked back up at me.

            “Mind introducing us to your gorgeous friend over here?”, he said, winking.

            “Jasmine, Paul.”, Jason said, referring to the green eyed boy. “And this is Jacob”, he added, referring to the other boy who had black hair and chocolaty brown eyes.

            “Nice to meet you both.”, I said, smiling.

            “Nice to meet you too.”, said Jacob.

            “You don’t know how lucky you are to get to meet me.”, Paul said with a wink. I laughed. I noticed Josh and Claire walking up the beach toward us. I looked over at Jason and still saw a little twinkle in his eyes.

            “You guys wanna go back to the hotel?”, came a voice from behind us. I turned around to see another boy with brown hair and blue eyes. “Oh! Who’s your girlfriend Jason?”, he asked.

            “Tyler, this is Jasmine.”

            “Hullo there!”

            “Hi.”, I said, shaking his hand.

            “You wanna come back to the hotel with us?”, Tyler asked.

            “Of course she does! Why would she not take the opportunity to spend time with me?”, Paul said in a goofing manner.

“I’ll come.”, I said, smiling and looking at Jason. He smiled back, taking my hand and following Tyler. We walked to the hotel across the street from the beach. While we were riding up the elevator, I could feel someone looking at me. I turned around and saw Paul looking straight at me. We stared at each other for a few seconds before I looked away.

“Welcome to the suite.” Tyler said, waving his hand around to show me the room.

I took it all in. It was enormous. There was a massive main room with a flat screen TV and a couple very comfortable looking leather couches. Connected to the main room, was a spacious kitchen with two ovens, a double stove, and an eight person dining table. Off of the main room were six large bedrooms each with a king size bed, a TV, a desk, a small sofa, and an individual bathroom. I stood in awe, and then turned to face Jason.

             “How can you afford this?” I asked.

            “Well-” he began, but was cut off.

            “I’m a model and get paid for my stunning looks.” Paul said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes.

            “I’ll believe you for now.” I said doubtfully.

            “I’ll be in the kitchen making dinner!” Tyler said over his shoulder while he walked into the kitchen. Josh and Claire stepped into the suite.

            “You guys want to watch a movie while we’re waiting for dinner?” asked Josh.

            “Yes!” Claire squealed.

            “What movie?”

            “I want-” Claire started.

            “Let’s watch The Avengers.” Jacob said, with irritation.

            “We should.” said Jason, looking at me.

            “Oh! I love that movie!” I stepped in; catching on that Claire would pick a movie no one else wanted to watch.

            “The Avengers it is.” Paul spoke up, walking over to a bookcase to the left of the TV filled with movies. He reached up and grabbed one of the movies from the top shelf. He put the movie in the DVD player and flipped the TV on. Jason walked over to the couch, towing me behind him and we sat down. Paul plopped down next to Jason. Jacob walked to the other couch. Josh and Claire, who still had a pout on her face, sat next to Jacob. A couple minutes after the movie started, Claire stood up.

            “I don’t want to watch this movie.” she said.

            “We are not changing the movie for you.” Paul said sternly, not even glancing at her. Josh gave him a reprimanding look.

            “Come on babe.” he said, grabbing her hand and taking her into one of the six bedrooms. I assumed it was his bedroom. We continued watching the movie. I looked into Jason’s blue eyes. All I saw, now that no one was really paying attention, was hurt and sadness. I looked down at the floor. That’s when I realized his arm around me was tense. I sighed. None of this was real, right? We were just pretending. Trying to make Claire jealous.

            About half way through the movie we had to pause the movie and Paul had to yell at Claire and Josh to quiet down. After the movie was over, Tyler called us to the kitchen for dinner. Josh and Claire didn’t hear, so I went to go get them. I knocked on the door.

            “Yeah?” Josh said.

            “It’s Jasmine.” I said.

            “Oh, come in.” he replied. I opened the door. I couldn’t see Claire, but Josh was bent over picking something up. I looked at it and realized it was Claire’s clothes. I looked on the ground and saw a lace bra. I looked away.

            “Um, dinner is ready.” I said llooking at the desk next to the door. I turned to leave. I felt something wrap around my wrist. I turned around a Josh was standing in front of me smiling.

            “We’ll be out in a minute.” he said.

            “Ok.” I said, trying to leave, but he was still holding onto my wrist. I wrenched my wrist free. “I’ll see you at dinner.”


That's Josh to the side btw! ----->

Sorry this chapter is kinda boring! The next chapter gets really interesting though! *mischevious smirk* 

Sooo I'm gonna put what I think the characters look like in order of when they are introduced.

Annnddd.... I'm still looking for covers cuz, mine kinda sucks, so it would be lovely if someone would like to do that for me! :) thanks! I think that's all... yeah, so

Au revior! (That's bye in French :p)

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