02 - seoul music awards 2016 part 1

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byuntae69: omfg U CUT UR HAIR!!!!!

taengoo: YES does it look okay omg

taengoo: i heard there are fans un-stanning me bc they don't like me with short hair :-(

byuntae69: wHAT

byuntae69: ignore them lmao

byuntae69: i love you the way you are

byuntae69: and you should love yourself too

byuntae69: smile more noona!!!!

taengoo: thanks baek :)

byuntae69: why did you cut it anyway

taengoo: to show that im a strong independent woman even without you baekshit

byuntae69: what

byuntae69: you did not

byuntae69: jUST CALL ME baEKSHIT

byuntae69: :(

taengoo: that was heechul HAHAHA

taengoo: sorz

byuntae69: oh what ok

byuntae69: ofc i knew

byuntae69: knew it all along

byuntae69: that it was heechul

byuntae69: heh

taengoo: dude pls

taengoo: u making me laugh


byuntae69: see you later noona

byuntae69: at kai's birthday party


taengoo: isn't that for exo only lmao

byuntae69: look at my name

taengoo: yeah pervert

byuntae69: i mean

byuntae69: you are part of me

byuntae69: which means you're part of exo :")

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