Chapter 7: Ghost from Dating Past

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I was getting dressed for work when my condo was being buzzed. I looked at the clock that read 7:35am. Who could that be this early? I went over to the screen pushing #3 which made whoever it was state there name.

"Richard Burrell" I froze. No. Is this some sick joke? I clicked #4 for the camera to show me who was outside and it was indeed him. I couldn't lie he looked good from what I could see, but no he couldn't be here. I pressed #2 to ignore the buzz.

I went to finish getting ready for work. I had my hair in a slick bun, a matching pants suit, and black strappy sandal heels. I grabbed my purse, phone and keys then left. Before I walked out of my building I looked around to make sure Richard was no where in site. He wasn't. I quickly walked to the bus stop and the bus came right on time taking me to work.

Once I got to work they finally showed me to my new office that I got as part of my promotion. Once I was settled in I began working, but all I could think about was Richard. Why was he out? He got life from my understanding. Did he appeal and win? Did he escape? Did he know I was the one who set him up? A million questions raced through my mind. I started to think about him and how we met. I was so in love with him.

I was working my shift at Target ready to go. I had 30 minutes left when a young man came to my line. This wasn't his first time either. I noticed every time he came here he came to my line. He usually barely had anything and could easily either go to self checkout or the express lane, but no. His name was Richard. He was light skin and tall, about 6'1". His hair was something I couldn't describe. It was curly, but messy that he usually put into a ponytail. He wasn't my type, but he was at the same time. A pretty boy, but still had rough qualities. We both smiled. I was convinced he only came to Target to see me now. Let's be honest only white people shopped at Target seeing it was more expensive than other grocery stores.

"Hey, Bernice. How are you doin' today?" He had a deep southern Florida accent. I liked it, me being from NY and all.

"Hi, Richard. Fine, about to get off and ready to go! How are you?"

"Call me Robb. Great, now that I got to see my boo."

"Okay, but who's your boo though?" I asked genuinely curious.

"You of course! Bernice from Target. My boo!" I laughed. That was usually the scope of our conversations. After I clocked out I went to the Pizza Hut in the store like I usually did getting a mini pepperoni pizza and a blue raspberry icee. I was waiting for my ride, which would be late because she was still at work herself for another hour. I was on my phone when I heard a seat drag. I looked up to see Richard smiling at me. I just now noticed his bottom grill gleaming. "Off work nah?"

I nodded my head yes, "Just waiting on my ride. They won't be here for another hour."

"I can take you home."

"No, I'm fine" even though I needed to get home and study I didn't know him like that. "You can sit and wait with me..if you want to."

"I'm not gonna kidnap or stalk you. Where you live at?"

"A dorm at the University of Miami."

"A college girl, huh? Beauty and brains. Let me just take you." I smiled a bit. I could tell he wasn't going to ease up so I said fine. I texted my friend letting her know. I followed him to his car which surprisingly was a white Porsche Panamera.

I later found out it was a gift from his father. Robb's dad was Jamaican reggae artist, Shaggy. That explained his slight accent at times. He told me he didn't grow up with his dad, so he tried to make up for it by giving him money and buying him things. His dad lived in New York, where he was born, most of his life while he was raised in Broward County, Florida by his mom. As far as Robb was concerned he was estranged from his dad.

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