Chapter 10: Bring a Friend

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Trey was back in New York and asked me to lunch, so during my lunch break I met him at a pizza parlor in Manhattan. This time he chose a more casual spot because I know he saw how his fans tore me apart. When I got there he was already there. Before I sat we hugged. After we ate we began talking. "So, it was just one date?" He mocked me from that the breakfast club interview.

"Yes, did I lie?"

"Just the way you said it. It was just one date but you forgot the part where we had sex in your kitchen, living room, bedroom, and shower" He said shrugging.

"Is somebody mad?" I said laughing.

"Not at all!"

"Good, because I should be the one who's mad. Your fans are crazy! I got so many death threats from 16 year olds."

"Don't tell me you're scared of some high schoolers?"

"A little. Death threats are a little extreme. Too much anger to be so young." He laughed.

"Are you going to Dave's listening party?"

"Of course. Are you?"

"Yeah, would you like to go together? As dates."

Did you really need a date for that kind of occasion? I said, "Sure" anyway. I looked at my Rolex. I had 15 minutes to get back. "I have to get back to work, but I'll talk to you later." I stood up then we hugged and he kissed my cheek. I left going back to work. After work I went home and changed because Dave actually wanted me to go to that interview he had with the Lip Service. This should be interesting since the main topic will be sex and relationships.


We were now at the radio station to do the Lip Service and were now on air. Angela Yee started speaking, "I'm Angela Yee and this is the Lip Service. Tonight in the building we have my good friend Stephanie Santiago, sex toy expert, Rebecca Cruz, ex King of Diamonds dancer, Bernice Burgos, & rapper, Dave East. Welcome to the show you guys!" We all said hello.

"We usually start the show off with a portion where we help someone out. I'm actually glad you're here Dave because I really want your input." I nodded my head for her to proceed. "Someone wants to know what to do when they hear a rumor about someone who they're dating. Should they go with their gut, ask the other party involved, or ask the person they're with? Now, rumor was that you were messing with model, Miracle Watts. Well as of late there's also a rumor she's dating singer, August Alsina. August said they're just friends, but who knows. In a situation like that what did you do?"

I wasn't expecting to be asked that. Miracle went back to Atlanta a few days ago and I haven't talked to her since. It's hard to tell what she's doing when she's in another state. "I mean, you gotta ask the person you're dealing with. Does it mean they'll tell the truth? No. If you don't trust and believe what they're telling you go to the other person involved in the rumor if you really wanna know. Or you could just dead the situation all together."

"I don't wanna be nosey-" Stephanie said.

"Uh oh!" Angela said laughing. "That means she's gonna be nosey."

"I'm not! Ok, I am. Have you two ever slept together? Be honest! Y'all look like y'all would have some amazing sex!" She asked pointing to Bernice and I.

"Are you trying to have a threesome with them?" Stephanie shrugged.

Bernice and I both looked at each other and said, "Once" at the same time.

"Y'all are such liars telling me y'all are just friends on the breakfast club."

"We are just friends" Bernice said, "friends who happened to have slept together one time."

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