Chapter 13: Find Something Real

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Dave | A week later

Today was the day I'm meeting with Def Jam Records to negotiate my contract. I'd be meeting them with my lawyer and a Mass Appeal representative. We were in an office when finally 3 people came in sitting across from us. After introductions one of them said, "So Dave I want you to tell us what you want to achieve and we'll see if we can make that happen."

"A lot. I don't want to be an underground rapper or only known in NY. I want to be worldwide. I want to sellout out shows and perform at places like the Madison Square Garden. I want to be on the XXL top 10 freshman list. I want longevity not just a couple of hits. I want hits on the radio as long as I don't have to sellout. I want complete creative control. I want to be a legend."

They all nodded there head as if understanding. The one female spoke, "That's attainable. With our publishing you'll have the promotion and funds you'll need. Dave, you're very marketable. You're lyrical so men will want to listen to you and you look good so women will want to look at you." She slid a packet across the table. "After we saw how Hate Me Now performed for its 1st week numbers, we made a better offer. You put out a mixtape that sounded like an album, quality music. Have your lawyer look over it and
we'll be back when you're ready." The 3 of them stood up leaving the room.

They were now offering to put Hate Me Now on iTunes for purchase, publish an EP and my first album to be put out this following year. I would get an advance and they increased my budget for promoting, music videos, etc. They would fund a mini tour for my mixtape and even provide me with a new manager until Bully gets out. It looked good to me. They came back and we discussed percents and numbers. I signed on the dotted line and it was now a done deal. "Welcome to Def Jam Records! We look forward to working with you, Dave." I shook their hands then left. They had an intern show me around the building.

"This is just a hang out spot. You can play pool and watch tv, whatever. Oh, look!" She said pointing to a guy coming out of a room, "That's your label mate singer, August Alsina" she waved him over. "August, meet your new label mate. He just inked a publishing deal. Dave, meet August." I reluctantly shook his hand. Her phone started ringing and she answered. "Dave, I have to do something. Just hang out here until I get back. Always being whisked away!" She laughed rushing away. She was too happy to be working a job with no pay. I sat on the couch watching tv and I saw August start up a game of pool.

"You can quit starin' tryin' tah figure out if you should ask me about Miracle." He said with his back turned to me.

"I wasn't staring, but I was thinking about that" I said correcting him. "So, y'all really just friends or more?"

He shrugged, "Are y'all? We've smashed a coupl'la times. Still don't mean we can't just be friends."

"You can't just be friends if y'all have smashed. That 'friends with benefits' is bullshit!"

"Is it nah?" He asked looking over his shoulder. "She thinks the same thing about you and some girl. That y'all ain't just friends. You would think you and Miracle were in a relationship the way y'all worry about each otha." It's true. "If y'all feelings that strong for each otha lock it down already. I'll leave her alone once that happens."

"I don't think so."

"Then quit worryin'! Y'all both single and can do what ya want. Im'a give you some advice...Have fun because soon women will be all over ya. Miracle ain't nothin to stress ova." He left at that and the intern girl came back.


I hadn't seen Trey since Dave's listening party, so he invited me over to his place in the city. He had a car pick me up and take me. He lived in the penthouse suite on the top floor of his building. He let me in kissing me. "You look nice" I said thank you. I had just got off of work and didn't feel like changing clothes. "The food is almost ready, so just have a seat." I sat on the couch and he left the room. I looked around, nice.

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