3. Saving Them

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That girl. How could she be so, so? Conor couldn't even come up with a word to describe her. She had sent him a half naked picture of herself last night. How could Conor look at her now? That image of her will forever be in his head.

"Hi," Conor looked at her. "Thank you again. Let's go before the woman wakes up. Come on Chad."

Conor picked the boy up. He notices the boy had a few scratched on his arms and around his neck. He didn't want to assume anything.

"So you can pick me up, and that way you can drop us both at home," she said.

"Yeah," Conor buckle the toddler into a car seat.

"Let's go," Alena was in the front seat all buckled up.

Conor mumbled to himself and got in. He started the car and drove to her school. He dropped her off.

"Just you and me buddy," Conor notice the boy didn't talk much. He looked to be afraid of something. "We going to my workplace." He didn't even respond.

Conor drove to his office. There everyone stared.

"What, haven't you all seen a baby before?" Conor said and walked into his office. He set the boy on the couch. "I'm your friend. You can tell me anything." Nothing.

Conor lets him be. For awhile Conor observed his behavior. Something wasn't right. Kids his age would be running around making a mess. But this one didn't even drop a single paper. Conor called in a social worker.

"Conor you called?" The woman walked in.

"Yeah, Liz can you evaluate him," Conor said directing his attention to Chad.

"Yeah sure," Liz sat next to the boy. For an hour she interacted with him. Conor watched from his desk. "Conor."

"Hmm," Conor stood and walked over.

"This isn't scratches," Liz said. "This looks more like someone drag sharp needles down his arms." Liz began to undress the boy and check for any marks. "Look." Conor looked at the boy back. "Belt marks, that foster woman is abusing him, emotionally. He can't go back. I have to report this."

"Alright I'll keep him here," Conor sighed. Maybe this is why Alena asked him to look after Chad. She wanted him to find out what's been going on. "Don't worry buddy; you won't go back to that place ever again." That seemed to make the boy respond.

"Alena," he said. "She comes too."

"Sure," Conor said which got a smile from Chad. "Hungry?" He nodded.

Conor called someone to go and buy some food.

After a few hours. Conor drove to Alena school. He will pick her up. He had left Chad with Liz.

"What?" Conor frowned.

"She didn't show up for school," Mr. Horton said. "I've called home. But no one answered."

"Okay thanks," Conor got back into his car and drove toward her house. That girl ditched school.

Conor arrived to find the front door wide open. He grabs his gun, and slowly made his way in he knocked a few times, but no one responded.

He went in and looked around. The house seemed to have been rampage. Everything was a mess. But what caught his attention was the blood trailing up the steps. He carefully walked up the steps. Making sure not to step on the blood.

Conor made his way down the hall. He could hear rustling in the master bedroom.

"Help!" He heard someone yelled. He brags in and saw Alena, lying facedown with the woman on top holding a knife. "No, how, it wasn't me. It was her; she planned all this I didn't do anything."

"Drop the knife!" Conor pointed the gun at her. "Drop it!" The woman dropped it and backed away. Conor handcuffs her, and check on Alena. She didn't have a pulse like last time. He kept his fingers on her neck and waited. The pulse slowly started to come back.

"She planned all this," the woman said. "She was hurting me. She stabbed me first."

"I don't see no blood on you, except hers," Conor was about to call for an ambulance when Alena woke up.

"D-don't," she said. "Don't call them." She sat up.

"Alena, you're wounded," Conor frowned. "You need medical attention. And this time I won't let you escape me."

"I said no," Alena coughed blood up. She covers her mouth. "I have to go."

"No," he cuffed her. "You ain't going anywhere."

"She's crazy!" The woman ran. At least she tried too. She ended up tripping and knocking herself unconscious.

"Let go," Alena looked at him. "You have no rights."

"Yes I do," Conor said. "From now on, you and Chad are under my care. That way I'll keep an eye on you." Her eyes widened.

"Oh I see," she smiled. "We are taking our relationship to the next step. Moving in together, I so accept."

"Why aren't you serious?" Conor asked. "You take everything as a joke. You're in serious trouble skipping school?"

"I didn't skip," Alena said. "I forgot my textbook and came back to get it. The woman attacked me cause she wanted to know where Chad was. You know all she cares about is the money she receives from us. All that money that bitch uses on herself and not on us. I don't care if she uses mine. But Chad a baby. He needs attention and many things. The only toy he has is the one I bought him. A teddy bear. I would've had said something, but Chad and I would be separated."

"Well you won't," Conor sighed. "For now you need to be checked by a doctor."

"No," she said. "Can you please make this as an accident. I slipped while carrying a knife and cut myself."

"Hmm," Conor shook his head. "Fine."

Conor called for a disturbance. He uncuffed the woman and walked out with Alena still cuffed to him. Once she was in the car, he removed the cuffs.

It wasn't long before they arrived and the place got surrounded. Conor had to explained what happened. And they ask Alena some questions. After that, she was free to go. The woman got arrested. Conor drove Alena to his house where Liz was waiting with Chad in the car.

Conor looked at Alena. She looked paler than before.

"Hey," Liz let Chad out. "It's all settled you have custody of them."

"Alright thank you," Conor said and led them both inside. "I wasn't expecting this. So you'll be sleeping in my bedroom. Tomorrow will fix the extra rooms." Conor led them to his room. Chad ran in and got on.

"Thanks," Alena smiled. "Wow, sleeping in the same bedroom."

"No," Conor said. "I'll take the couch."

"Awe," she pouted.

"I'll be downstairs if you need anything," Conor said.

What has he gotten himself into taking in two kid, he barely knew. And all for information. But this is fine.

He'll catch her lies.
Conor is starting to like her little world.



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