Ash (1)

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Warped kick off

Kick off concert warped 2007. The concert was amazing and so was the crowd. When I go backstage with the boys everybody greets us with words meaning something like  "great show!". Some are like "Ash you were amazing!" I Thank them and look all over the place. There are many boys but also one little blond haired girl who smiles big. A boy with long light blonde hair and a beard stands next to her. "There you are!"Chris says and embraces me. After letting go he kisses me. I blush and look around once more. The blonde girl was gone. I start looking for her and see her storming off. Oh well... sooner or later we will talk because there aren't many girls on warped. Chris takes my hand and we go to grab some food while a band called new found glory plays. When we have our food chris has to get ready to leave and I decide to stand in the wings. On my way backstage I already notice that there is a strong and kind of angelic female voice echoing Through the venue. As I stand in one of the wings I see her jumping all over the place like she's having the time of her life. She's kinda cute...Okay...pretty cute...dammit I already forgot about that side of me... and to be honest I thought it was just a phase...seems like it wasn't...I need to talk about it to somebody so I go to the only person knowing of my secret: Kyle.

I go to the bus, knowing that that's the place I'll find him doing what he always does. Playing GTA on the PlayStation. "Hi ash"he comments when I enter the backlounge. "Hi Kyle.." I sit next to him and watch him shooting people as we sit in silence. "So what's going on?" he demands killing another prostitute. "well... I need your help... IT is coming back... It wasn't just a phase..."

He stops the game and turns around to face me
"So you met a nice girl?" he smirks at me

"No...... not really..." i go quiet and look down, playing with my fingers.

"so you don't want to talk about it?"

"no... yes i want to's just so complicated... i mean: i am with chris and i love him i guess...but today there was this girl standing backstage after our show. I saw her smiling and she was just so cute. Then i saw her perform and she has the voice of an angel... There was this little spark jumping in my chest when she smiled at me. But she didn't even smile at me. She was just smiling and looking in the wings- but i can't like both... chris and that girl. I don't even know her. And i mean... Im not gay am i? I like boys so i can't be gay, do i?"

He smiles at me softly and thinks for a moment while i continue to nervously play with my fingers. "you can like both. I mean... We both know that since you had a crush on your best friend...and there isn't only black and white, gay and straight. And if you like both then you are bi. That's okay! When i realized that i was falling for boys and came home with my first boyfriend, i told my mom that i was bi so she wouldn't be this shocked. And she still thinks that there is hope for me to still like girls. I think you should find out what's going on by looking at your feelings when you're around chris and around her. Our all will be fine!" "Oh my god my parents...or mom. I can't tell her... she will hate me forever"

"Ssh ash! Calm down! She won't hate you! And if she really is that homophobic you should be happy to not have to deal with it. It's okay to be gay!"he winks at me and I can't do other than start laughing through the tears that are falling without me realizing it. "Yeah smile  girl!  That's good!  you're much prettier like this!" "Haha thank weirdo" I  laugh. I hug him and we continue to play the game.  after playing a bit I hear my phone vibrate and see a text from Chris.

I'm finished.  meet me outside

I reply with  coming and turn to Kyle"that was chris..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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