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Hello my lovely creeps and family! Thank you to all of you reading this story I know it's only one chappy chapter and since then it seems like I haven't been writing this story but I did! I am mostly writing at school because there are so many good ideas for this story that I am afraid to forget it. I have 4 or 5 chapters written already but don't have time to type them in... also this story will be written in both pov so in hayley's and Ashley's, each describing the same situation. If you want to you can just read one person(f.e. only reading hayley's pov) and then you'll end up understanding the person your reading. If you read both people you will understand that there are misunderstandings and that one person construes situations different that it's meant if you know what I mean. The first chapter Is pretty awful and kitschy due to the fact that it's years in the future and the things she's talking are yet to happen in the story(and *attention spoiler*it's a oretty emotional day).

Also both girls will be really Confused by everything because of course they were thinking that they're straight and realizing that you're not hard. Getting along with the fact is probably even harder. So since I'm told to write situations I know (because then I know how the person's feel and don't have to imagine it,) I'm making them both confused because it all really takes years if you were as straight as those two (because of religious reasons or others).

If anything of this wasn't clear or you have questions about anything or have an idea of situations to write or anything else:my dm's are always open and also you can comment everything. You can tell me everything you want and I'll listen because I probably will understand you. So stay save and keep enjoying wattpad. Love Sparky♡

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