If the signs are popular or average and why

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Aries: Popular. Likes to laugh and be funny, and people like to be around Aries.

Taurus: Average. Too stubborn to go with whatever a popular says, but still has a lot of friends.

Gemini: Average. Very smart and a lot people want Gemini as their partners, but sometimes are too science-y to be popular.

Cancer: Average. Spends too much time crying over a spilled milk. Also for not taking jokes.

Leo: Popular. A lot friends and falls for girls or guys easily. A lot of people falls for Leo too.

Virgo: Average. They're nice, but sometimes too nerdy or perfectionist for a popular.

Libra: Popular. Listens to a lot of gossip and gets in with the populars that way.

Scorpio: Average. Too mysterious for some people to understand, but some poeple get what Scorpio means.

Sagittarius: Popular. Nice and kind. But also a daredevil when they needed to be.

Capricorn: Average. A little weird for some reason, but they're nice.

Aquarius: Popular. Likes Aquarius's phone, and makes friends easily.

Pisces: Average. Quirky and odd, but their kindness and friendly-ness makes up for it.

Well... at least I'm okay with it. I'm still happy tho! Sorry I updated it late because I wake up at 11 a.m^^

Jessica out!♓

P.s This isn't supposed to offend anyone.

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