The signs' sleeping habit

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Aries: On their back or side ot mostly anywhere in their bed; barely and blankets, let alone underwear. Heavy sleepers

Taurus: Stomach or side position, usually the same position every night, sooo many pillows and stuffed animals and blanket. Likes security. Normal sleepers

Gemini: On their stomach or back; Minimal coverage, get hot easily at night. They tend to snore a lot. Heavy sleepers

Cancer: Fetal position or on their back; warm fuzzy blanket, soft things, like to be feeling secure. Like to cuddle with their blankets. Light sleepers

Leo: Mostly on their side or back; long blankets, the kind of people that NEVER wear socks to sleep. Get annoyed by untucked covers. Light sleepers

♍Virgo: Lie on their side or back; hate it when their sheets are untucked, like a nice clean bed to sleep in. Really enjoys sleep, and can fall asleep anywhere within 5 minutes. Normal sleepers

Libra: Lies in any position; the most unorthodox sleepers, they just sleep. No routine. But they like clean bed. Heavy sleepers

♏Scorpio: Lies on their back or stomach; like minimal blankets, but they like their feet and legs covered. Normal sleepers

Sagittarius: sleeps in many position, mostly with their arms all over the place; likes pillows. They could fall out of bed in the middle of the night and still not wake up. HEAVY sleepers

Capricorn: sleeps on side or back; likes many layers of blankets, and tends to toss and turn at night. Prone to weird dreams. Light sleepers

Aquarius: sleeps on their side; likes security and a lot of coverage. Can't deal with too many pillows. Light sleepers

♓Pisces: Sleeps on their side, back, stomach; has vivid dreams, talk in their sleep. Really likes blankets, and is bothered by messy bed. Tends to snore. Normal sleepers

Jessica: well its true! But I don't know if I talk when I sleep, but I don't snore. I'm more likely to cancer♡.

Jessica out!♓

P.s this isn't supposed to offend anyone

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