darling, you'll be alright

108 6 2

genderfluid!gee and pansexual!fronk bc i can

also frankie is older in this sue me


they were shaking, they were freezing cold, but they were also very much feeling as if they were going to die any second now, hence the extreme shaking. they imagined that they must've looked horrible right now, their red hair a mess, mascara running down their cheeks like waterfalls. their white cardigan and gray top were drenched and stuck to their arms, their sky blue leggings were almost see-through and ripped in many places due to them tripping on their low heels as they ran, not daring to look back.

the rain pouring down from the mauve sky was their only companion as they stumbled through the outskirts of the city, searching for that one place they knew they would be safe, well, at least temporarily. right now, they didn't feel safe at all, since their appearance, condition and emotional state made them feel like, well, a pathetic vulnerable idiot, a weak idiot, which they didn't stop themself from repeating quietly in their mind.

they sniffled and coughed, feeling their throat burn. they gasped for air and kept running, trying to spot the right house in this haze of darkness that the endless tears had caused.

they didn't know how long they had been searching, but finally, they found the right house, and felt a small bit of relief as they saw that the lights were almost all on. they dragged themself to the door and knocked with the little strength they still had left. they took in short, weak breaths and felt more warm tears roll down their face as they leaned against the cold stone wall.

the door opened to reveal a short, dark-haired boy, who seemed to be very awake, despite it being three in the morning. the condition of his best friend - whose legs seemed to be giving out any second - instantly made him turn worried though as the miserable person almost fainted in their arms. "gee, honey, what happened?" they frantically questioned, panic lacing their voice. "b-b-bert-t, i-i was drunk and h-h-e saw me at the g-gas station and told me that he- he w-w-w-wanted m-me ba-back, but he d-d-idn't, h-he didn't l-l-love me and he, h-he told me i was a f-freak and he hurt me, f-frank, and oh god, this is all my f-f-fault, i'm s-so sorry," they rushed in between the choking sobs. frank pulled them into his embrace as they shook uncontrollably, letting out heartbreaking whimpers.

"it's okay, it's okay, you're safe here, no one is going to hurt you as long as i'm around," frank whispered to gee, who was clinging to him like he was their source of life. frank carefully picked their shaky frame up bridal style, letting them cling to his shirt to try and soothe their quaking body and close their restless eyes for a few moments as he brought them upstairs and placed them onto his bed, sitting down next to them.

as soon as gee opened their eyes, they felt like they were choking, because for a few seconds, they were away, somewhere in a land of peace and darkness, but this, this was real, and everything that happened before was also as real as could be. they had the cuts, bruises and scars to prove it. their breathing came out in small weak gasps and they tried desperately to avoid all eye contact as their bony frame trembled in fear, their heart pounding maniacally. frank noticed this and turned to face them.

"shh, gee, look at me," he whispered softly. gee looked up, but not in frank's eyes, their hazel eyes filled with panic. "everything will be okay. i won't let bert get to you. never." gee nodded barely noticeably, still not daring to look him in the eye. "honey, look at me. i know it's hard, but i won't hurt you. i promise," he murmured, lifting their head ever-so-slightly. "can you try and focus on your breathing for me, sugar? just try to follow me, okay?" frank then continued, deeply breathing in and out. gee tried to mimic him, breathing slowly.

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