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The first kill was an awkward one. It was an unsuspecting Froggit that just happened to hop into her way. She had just smacked it across the head once with her stick, but the feeling that came afterwards at seeing the Froggit's face contort to one of pain and fear was absolutely exhilarating. Sure, its feeble attempts at fighting back came, but she brushed off the minor injuries she had sustained. Her excitement at seeing the Froggit turn into dust - dust of all things! The phrase 'ashes to ashes, dust to dust' truly fit well here - dulled the pain anyway, so she continued on.

The kills after that first one came easily. Eventually, her LV had gone up and she was feeling this rush of superiority and strength, like she was just above all of the monsters in the ruins. Not a single one of them could match up to her now; she could kill them all in one hit and the thought made her feel so damn good.

She felt even better when she spotted that toy knife on the ground. She briefly wondered why it was even there, but just by holding it, she felt much more...secure. As though the toy knife BELONGED in her hands.

And yet, something was wrong with it. Maybe it was the fact that it wasn't a real knife, but it bothered her. She wouldn't feel truly herself if she didn't find a real knife and hold it in her hands.

So, she continued on. Lo and behold, the filthy monster that had oh so graciously 'saved' her at the start from that flower abomination - there was something oddly familiar about the flower that she wasn't sure of just yet - returned from wherever she had went and spotted the human.

"There you are, my child!"

She seemed so happy. It practically made the human want to hurl. Still, she endured, and followed the goat creature to a small house-like structure in the Ruins and entered inside with the intent of finding her knives.

The human wanted to bang her head against the walls over and over. The goat creature kept radiating 'kindness' and 'sincerity' so much that it was disgusting. The human just walked past the creature sitting at its armchair, reading a book about snails or whatever - she didn't really care - and she walked right into the kitchen. She looked around the counter.

Where are the knives, she thought, getting increasingly frustrated.

Well, it looked as though the creature didn't even use knives. So be it.

Killing it was easy.

The human felt nothing as she disintegrated.

"Y o u . . . h a t e    m e     t h a t     m u c h . . . ?" it had said before it turned to dust like all the others.

The human felt nothing.

She stepped out into the cold. There was snow everywhere. What joy.

As she walked forward on the path, she had the uncanny feeling of someone watching her. Despite that, she kept walking.

She stopped at the gate when the sounds of someone's feet crunching through the snow got closer and closer.

They stopped just a foot behind her.

"hey, human. don't you know how to greet a new pal?" She heard a masculine voice say. She turned around and just stared at the creature with blank eyes.

The creature had its hand out for a handshake. She shook it and a rather annoying sound erupted.

"heh heh. the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick. always funny." the creature said and she only then noted that it was a skeleton wearing a blue jacket and black shorts.

She didn't laugh.

"...you're usually supposed to laugh at that...?" the skeleton said awkwardly. Again, she did not laugh.

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