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The trio arrived at the house tired and worn-out. The trek had been a long one, especially since some of Snowdin's townsfolk children kept pestering them about the human. They hadn't seen a 'monster like her' before, so they were very curious. Sans kept asking them nicely to leave them alone, to which they pouted about and refused to leave.

"kiddos, c'mon. she's not feeling well so we're takin' her to janus's house to help her get better. now really isn't a good time." the skeleton had told them, getting frowns from them but nods of recognition and acknowledgement. They seemed to understand that now was a really bad time to bother Sans, so they backed off.

As the trio was moving on, one of the children hoped for the human to 'get well soon'.

Sans recognized the kid as being Snowy the Snowdrake. The human only hid her head further at hearing Snowy's shout.

It was to be expected. After all, Snowy was the first one killed here in Snowdin by the human's very hands.

When they finally reached the house, the human protested and asked to be put down on the ground. Janus complied and set her gently on the snow. The human rushed towards the house.

"*Oh!! !s the hum@n cold??" Janus asked, noticing the way the kid shivered. Janus fluttered over and unlocked the door with a key she had pulled out from her scarf - Sans only briefly wondered how that was even possible since he could defy the laws of nature himself - before letting the human inside first. Sans followed Janus inside and closed the door behind him. He never once let the kid out of his sight. Who knows what she would do?

"A l-little..." the human responded to Janus's question. Her teeth were chattering now and her lips were beginning to turn bluish-purple, a sign of cyanosis.

yeesh, i've heard of cyanosis, but i didn't think it would be that disturbing to see. Sans thought, disgusted by the sight. It was weird seeing the human's blood rush away from her face - that was what caused cyanosis - in order to warm up the core of her body. Regardless, he offered to give the human his sweater. The human grinned, all hopeful that Sans had forgiven her, and Sans had to look away. The human frowned at that, but took the offered sweater anyway.

Janus didn't seem to notice what had just happened.

"*J@nus c@n r@!se the tempurr-@ture!!" she said, cracking up at her own joke. She rushed over to the fireplace, put out her paws and then WHOOSH!

Rainbow flames jutted out from her tiny paws and lit a few logs in the fireplace. The color turned to a more natural red-orange, but it was still surprising to see the tiny feline monster light the logs on fire.

"whoa. you can use fire magic?" Sans asked, glancing at the now-lit fireplace. Janus shook her head.

"*Not f!re m@g!c!! R@!nbow m@g!c!!" Janus replied with a grin.

rainbow? that's a new one. Sans thought with a cocked brow.

"*R@!nbow m@g!c uses l!ght @s the ma!n element!!" the feline monster replied. She looked proud of her magic. Sans smiled at that.

"light, huh? that's pretty cool. haven't seen rainbow magic before." the skeleton said. Janus beamed at the praise. Suddenly, Janus let out a long gasp. She turned to look at the human.

"*Hum@n!! @re you ok@y?? !'m sorry ! used m@g!c!! J@nus forgot you d!dn't l!ke m@g!c..." the feline monster apologized, tears welling up in her eyes. The human just shook her head and said that it was okay.

"Your magic was pretty... I wasn't scared." she replied, getting a relieved sigh from Janus. Still, there was a hint of a frown in the feline monster's relieved grin that irked Sans just a little. There really was something suspicious about that cat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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