Letter one

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I woke up this morning and ran downstairs, not caring that I looked like crap. I ran outside and gabbed the mail, I saw a letter from Jack. I went up to my room and read the letter, it read...

"Dear Ari,

Hey babygirl, I miss you like crazy! I'm so sorry I left you with no reason why, but I had to. I hope your not too mad at me when or if I come back. I miss your hugs, kisses, pep-talks when I'm sad or really angry, I miss seeing you sleeping next too me, I miss your body, I miss the feeling that you gave me when we touched, it felt like fire but it also tingled. Princess, I know you will be okay without me, I know it hurts right now, trust me I know it hurts me. You will find the perfect person for you. I promise. Babe, I want you to remember that you are and always will be my first love. You are and always will be my person, you are my home. I know it was hard for you when I left and it still might be, I hope not though. Arizona, I need you to move on from me, beat this depression, don't harm yourself either! I mean it... I hope we meet again my love.. I know this sounds cheesy   but when we meet again I promise to fight for you , to win you back you know why? Because I'm so deeply in love with you and I know I will be for the rest of my life. I promise to keep writing to you babygirl. I love you to the moon and back babez!!!"

                                                                      Love , Jack Johnson <3

I started sobbing when I saw "I love you to the moon and back babez!". Jack used to tell me this every night before I went to sleep. My mom ran in to my room and saw me crying. "Awe, babygirl, don't cry, He will come back. Nothing will happen or ruin your guys relationship!" My mom said. I didn't say a word... After 5 minutes of her trying to comfort me, she gave up and left. When she did I yelled " Why did he leave me!!!! I don't understand!!!" I knew my mom was listening at the door but I could careless, I cried myself to sleep .

Ari's Mom's POV

" Why did he leave me!!!! I don't understand!!!" I heard my daughter yell. It so sad hearing and seeing my daughter so depressed. She's been like this since he left, I don't dare say his name anymore, I've learned my lesson from that, she doesn't like talking about him anymore, when I do bring him up she starts balling and has a clear sign of sadness in her eyes. I can't imagion what she's going through.. They have been best friends since they were babies, they have been dating since they were 13 now they are 17.

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