Letter to Jack

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I was sitting in my room drawing when I decided I want to write Jack back. Here goes nothing, I thought.

"Dear Jack,

Hey my love, I miss you like crazy too!! I really want to know why you left but I won't pressure you, I'll let you tell me when your ready . I could never be angry with you, it's to hard to stay mad at you, I understand you need time away, time to think. I hope you know I will never move on from you, you are my home, my person, my other half. I miss everything about you, and let's not forget I miss you too! Do you know how hard it's been without you? It sucks here. I will never get over you, but  I hope you get over me, don't let me hold you back babe, go out, live your dream with Gilinsky, nothing's holding you back. Stop hanging on to me.. It really breaks my heart to say that but it's true. Live your life, live you dreams!! I love you to the moon and back times infinity!! Jack you are my first love and I was yours I will always be on your mind and in your heart. "If you love something let it go, if it comes back then it was meant to be but if not don't worry something new will come along" so I'm letting you go Jack. If we meet again we were meant to be, but when or if we do meet again don't try to pressure a relationship that's not ready yet. Time will tell what will happen. I love you remember that. Goodbye Jack Johnson."

                   Love yours truly, A.C.E

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