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Ari's POV
I guess I never Introduced myself. My name is Arizona Cameron Espinosa.( the girl in the pic is me)I go by Ari, Arizona,Cam,Cammy, or Ace. I'm 5'2, dark brown hair that goes to my waste, hazel eyes so they change color often, I'm more of a tomboy but I can have my girly moments. I have an amazing boyfriend who left me, but I don't even know why, He's name is Jack Johnson, you probably know who he is, him and Gilinsky make music together. Gilinsky's girlfriend and I are pretty tight I guess. I only have one best friend besides Gilinsky, he's name is Dylan. Anyways I have one brother older brother but I don't see him too often do to touring but we are still pretty close, I live with my mom and dad. I miss Johnson. He's my other half, my person my home. I don't know what I would do if I saw him. I wouldn't know if I was suppose to be happy or mad but I guess we will see if he ever comes back hopefully he won't forget about me. He promised...

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