{{Bonus}} Add vs Ciel

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~3rd person Pov~

Add was peacefully sitting outside in the green grass while his hair swayed in the air (( class master mind~)) until he felt like he was being watched by someone , That person was ciel he was stalking him for quite a while until add got up and looked at ciel "Hey I don't know what's your problem but you better stop stalking me it's pretty creepy you know" Add said concern yet with a serious tone, Ciel took out his Sword pistols and started to shoot Add.

~Add pov~ {{insert music here}}

"F*ck you ciel how dare you to challenge me you Baka!!" I said, I started to summon Falling chaser (( -3- forgive I forgot about MM skills))
Ciel groaned as the pain got worse yet he got up still,"Why won't you give up ciel we all know I'm the Strongest here" I said while laughing, I summoned my GREATEST MASTER PIECE, Apocalypse ~ ((=°^°=)) it started attacking ciel, every laser he dodged either way.

~Ciel POV brought by *dancing pigs*~

"Tsk his hyper sure is strong but yet his speed is slow as hell either way I have a good chance to beat this guy" I whispered to myself, I started at add a little as I pull out Marbas and started shooting him "Marbas!!" I yelled as I look at add soar in pain until a disk hit my back "grahh!!" I yelled and dropped my guns making myself defeat but I wasant done just yet I release a chain and dragged add to me as I did hyper on him making die on the spot ((to bad i choose Ciel °^°)) but he still twitched I,started to heal up my wounds by drink luriel full recovery potion as I offer some to add he takes it and drinks it as well

Comment if u want me to do Yandare ciel x reader or With any other character okay happy 2016 >.> all late xD

If u wanna add me I ish a Rena HakuraMito okie add meh if u like ~

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