Diary 1

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I'm miranda and I'm 16 years old.
Today at school was not fun it went by really slow im just glad to be home safe even tho I feel like crying okay so long story but my grandma recently just died and I've been crying but deep down I know she's still here with us protecting us 😢❤️ the day getting harder and harder Eveyday i miss my Oma so much, I'm dating this 18 year old that I thought I loved but I don't anymore because he made out with me and my sister (but me and him Wernt dating that time) but still wtf is his problem? Like he did it before he's gonna do it Agian so anyways that's when my sister ran over a lady during Christmas now I don't know what to think of Cristmas anymore but my sister and him were gonna have sex but my sister was smart and left she lost her virginity to his best friend btw the guy is homeless on drugs for crying out loud I didn't know that until yesterday and this is the story he kick my sisters dog, he choked me till I was struggling to fucking breath like GODDAMIT 😢 so my sister came to our rescue and punched the fucking shit out of him till his nose was all bloody on the top nose and the bottom nose he tried make an excuse like "no I would have won if I didn't have my soft gloves" like stfu dude so anyways enough of that the scary part was that I fucking forgave him that same day and we went to a far place I was kinda scared because nich the boy fingered me a lot and tried having sex with me and he kept kissing me I was in the car with a very drunk lady she wasn't driving tho the guy was so we got to her apartments and she was yelling at the nabores and the girl nabor was like fuck off whore and my drunk friend named Jackie got more pissed and touched the girl so yeah the guy came out and pushed her really hard asf and then we left so the guy had a gun in his hand he was gonna shoot her I was freaking out he wanted to hurt and kill her which I could have gotten raped or hurt I didn't see the gun but other people I just cared about getting Jackie in the house safe because she was really drunk asf, they called the cops I got excited because I no longer felt safe anymore so I waited in the juvie place for an 1 and 30 minutes to wait for my worried mother and it happened at 5 AM and my mom picked me up about 7:00 AM. Scary huh? So yeah I was safe im at home now Jackie apologized but nich stayed far away he was lost and probably scared asf that kind of worried me so Jackie told me the cops were abusing her and shit. That dude with the gun (nabor) needs to go to jail Jackie was only there in jail for a little bit tho. That's why I think my grandma saved me. ❤️

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