Diary 5

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Forgot to add the date but this was like 3 weeks after I last posted part 4 posted
I'm at Texas right now, I love it but I really miss my sister and boyfriend 😔 and soon I have to go to a boarding school and I can't stand to think about it 😔😔😔😢🔫 im too attached to my boyfriend and me and my sister are really close ❤️😢🔫 I can't leave the people I love and I'm going to a boarding school because I keep running away from home but for only a little bit 😢🔫 and I ditch school all the time but anyways it's not like I'm out doing drugs and getting pregnant like FUCK 😡😡😡 if I don't go to boarding school I have to go juvie 😔 I mean I already dislike school enough like come on im not that bad of a teenager like wtf I could be a lot worse and stop comparing my life and your life as a teenager it gets fucking annoying... Anyways byeee 😢🔫
I love you all ❤️.

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