Chapter 17:

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“Perrie please stop playing that song!” Jade whined from the bed where she was still sleeping.

            “Shh!” was all I said. Groaning she came out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, with a sad look.

            “Per, I know you miss Zayn but that song isn’t going to make him come back and,” she grabbed my laptop where I was playing the music from and fiddled with it, “you’ve listened to it so much the past three days that it’s become your most played song at two and seventy plays. It is never healthy to listen to a song that many times.”

The song was ‘Come Back…Be Here’ by Taylor Swift and at that moment I was finding it very relatable, which I had already explained to Jade multiple times.

            “Want a muffin?” I asked. Jade nodded and started munching on the muffin.

            “Today we are getting you out of this apartment,” Jade informed and I moaned, slumping my shoulders.

            “I don’t wanna go out,” I cried.

            “Think of it as ‘you need some fresh air and your best friend is going to go psycho if you don’t get out of the apartment soon,’” she told me patting my head. “Be ready in an hour!” she warned walking off to the bedroom.

            “Where are we going?” I called after her.

I looked around to see she had brought me to the shops, she was so original I thought to myself but like she said I did kind of owe her I had made her get up at about three in the morning to go buy me biscuits.

            “Hey, what was that thing you needed to tell me?” Jade asked suddenly like a light bulb had just switched on in her head.

            “What thing?” I asked absentmindedly as I searched through a rack of maternity wear trying to find something nice to wear.

            “Well if I knew what it was I wouldn’t be calling it the thing would I?” Jade asked and I gave her a look telling her to elaborate. “You know before the flowers came, you wanted to ask or tell me something…” she prompted and I remembered with a big wave of guilt that I had completely forgotten in all my moping.

            “Well I guess now is as good as any,” I sighed because this wasn’t the kind of setting I wanted to tell her in but I didn’t want to risk forgetting again. “Zayn and I have talked a lot about this. Like a lot anyways and we’ve decided.”

            “Decided what exactly?” Jade prompted again but looking excited with a little smile that was eager for me to continue.

            “Jade Thirlwall, we would like you to be the god mother of our baby!” I said excitedly. She jumped up and clapped before pulling me into a hard hug.

            “Really?” she asked with wide eyes and what was probably the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face.

            “Yeah,” I told her. “You’re like my twin and I love you.”

            “I love you too,” she said and then we hugged it out talk about a chick flick moment. “Who’s god father?”

            “Uh-uh. You’ll find that out when they come back from America,” I informed her with a smirk knowing she was going to bug me about this for the next ten days.

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