Part 2

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Yato's POV:
"Yatoo!!!! Waaake uup!!!" I hear (Y/N)'s voice whine. She was trying to wake me up. Seriously? What can a god do to get some beauty sleep? "Yaaatttoooo!! Σ(・□・;)" She whined once more.

"Erggh... What do you want, (Y/N)? ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ" I ask a bit annoyed. My eyes flutter open and I see white stuff all in (Y/N)'s (H/C) hair. "(Y/N)?... Why do you still have whipped cream in your hair? ~(・・?))" I ask. (Y/N) giggles a bit. "Put on your jacket and I'll show you!" She says excitedly as she makes her way out of my shrine. I groan as I sit up from my bed. Damn... What did she want for her to wake me up this early? I got up from my bed and pulled my jacket on as I headed outside.

Once I got outside, I looked up. My blue orbs filled with curiosity. A white flurry landed on my nose and I raised my brow. It was... Snowing?... "Hey, Yato!" I heard (Y/N) shout. I turned my head to look at her when I was pelted with a snowball. "Oh you didn't just do that!" I grin as I hide behind a tree. I grab a snowball and look around for her when I was pelted with another snowball. "Really?! ( ̄Д ̄)ノ" I groan. I hear (Y/N)'s laughter as she begins to run to a different hiding spot.

As she ran, I managed to hit (Y/N) and she fell to the ground laughing. I grin and jump on top of her. "Payback.." I smirk. (Y/N) rolls her eyes as she looks up at me. "Why is there so much snow in your hair?" I ask chuckling. I flick some snow from her hair. "Let's just say I've been here all morning waiting for you to wake up.." She says looking down. I kiss the top of her head. "Aww.. I'm sorry.." I say.

She shook her head. "No it's fine.. I'm just glad I got to have a snowball fight with you." She told me smiling. I nodded and got up off of her and helped her back up.


(Y/N)'s POV:
I was about to say something when Yato's phone began to ring. He answered and said his usual. His tone was excited and happy until he had reached the middle of the call. I frowned. "Yeah.. Sure... Be right on it, sir..." Yato said into the phone. Yato then hung up the phone and sighed. "What's wrong?" I ask. "We have a huge phantom problem... Are you gonna be okay?" Yato asks me. "I'm not saying you aren't strong... I just... I just don't want you getting hurt." I sighed. "I'll be fine, Yato. I promise." I answer reasurringly.

Minutes later, Yato and I were struggling to defeat this phantom. Yato had been blighted and there was no way he was going to defeat it with all this snow. "Yato! We have to go back!" I plead once more. "No! We're going to kill this phantom, one way or another!" He yelled. I flinched as he plunged me into the phantom. I had killed the phantom. Yato jumped down from the phantom, the phantom disappearing  into thin air. I went back to my human form and put my hand on Yato's cheek. I pushed back his hair and looked at his neck. Their was a purple blemish there. "Is this the blight?.." I ask frowning. Yato nods as he looks at me. "Alright let's head back so we can take care of it."

I had gotten a wet wash cloth and had Yato place it on the blight. Within seconds, the blight had went away. "T-Thank you, (Y/N)..." Yato told me as he looked away. I frowned. I could tell there was something wrong by the way he was acting. "Yato?... What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm sorry.. I.. I yelled at you back there... I just.. I wanted that phantom dead." He answered. I frowned and pulled him into a tight hug. "You don't need to say sorry... I just... I didn't want you to get hurt.." I told him reassuringly. "Now come on, let's go get some hot chocolate, huh?" I asked.


Yato's POV:
(Y/N) had taken me to a café not far from town. She had gotten me hot chocolate and paid for all of it. I really do owe her. For everything. We were sitting on a bench with our hot chocolate's as we looked up at the moon. (Y/N) was nestled beside me, her head lay on my shoulder. I couldn't think of a more perfect moment, than this.

"Yato?..." I heard (Y/N) ask. It startled me a bit but then I looked down at her. "Oh, what is it?" I ask a bit concerned. "Can you promise me something?.." She asked. "Sure.." I answer a bit confused. "Promise me that.... Whatever happens... You'd never forget me.." She tells me. I was a bit confused to why she would say something like that. I'd never forget someone like (Y/N). She means everything to me. "(Y/N), wh-" "Please, Yato. Promise me." She interrupts me. I looked into her eyes. I could see a sense of fear. As if someone or something that happened to her, left a mark on the deep voids we humans call hearts. As if she was left with a sense of grief. After a few minutes of staring at (Y/N) I answered. "I promise."

Awe! Poor reader ( ; _ ; )/~~~!
Hey guys! So I decided to incorporate some action into the story since it seems kinda like a drag. As I always say "Every story needs some action in it" oh wait... No I don't... XD But anyways! Hope you enjoyed Part Two!

Yato X Reader (Regalia) Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now