Part 12: Day 5 - Resolution?

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Yato's POV:
It had been at least a week and nothing, nothing got her memory back, I was ready to accept defeat. (Y/N) had already been acting strange, and she'd been showing signs already, her voice was faltering slowly and sounded almost phantom-like. I woke up one morning to see (Y/N) sitting in a corner crying. Shit... I stood up and readied myself, I expected this to happen. I just didn't expect it so soon. "(Y/N)..." I exclaimed. "W-WhY.." I heard her say and she whipped her head around to look at me. Her once (E/C) eye was an eye of a phantom. It was ringed with pink and look dilated. "(Y/N)... Im... Im sorry..." I exclaim. "Y-YoUr not soRRy you neVer wEre!." She shouted, her tone laced with insanity. She then looked at me with wide eyes, as if she remembered something. Shit...

(Y/N)'s POV:
I hated him, I hated Yato with all my heart. I didn't know why but I wanted to rip his heart right out from his body. I wanted to kill him, right here, right now. My vision was filled with red, all I could see was red. But then everything froze, it was like time stopped.

I heard yelling and soon enough, I was in front of a door. It seemed as if I was a child again, and I could barely reach the door handle. I was about to reach for the door handle when the door opened and a man was standing there... He looked like my father. He gave me a look of remorse, but it was soon outlived when he just shook his head and made his way out of the front door. I turned back to look in the bedroom, and a woman, my mother, was crying as she sat down on the edge of the bed. I found myself walking over to her and stood in front of her. "Mommy, where's daddy going?" I found myself asking in a tiny voice. My mother sniffled before looking down at my small figure and pulling me into her arms. "Daddy is just going on a business trip for a long time sweetie," She exclaimed. "N-Nothing to worry about." I tilted my head. "Do you know when he's coming back, mommy?" I asked. I didn't get an answer. The scene turned dark and before I knew it, I was in a room, my bedroom when I was 17. I looked around and heard footsteps climbing up the stairs and my mom barged into my room. At least, I thought it was my mom. She reeked of booze and weed. Her clothes were disheveled and her hair was in a frizz. Her eyes were red and puffy and a broken beer bottle was held tightly in her hand. "Mom?.." I asked a bit nervously. "YOU PIECE OF SHIT! YOUR THE REASON YOUR FATHER LEFT ME!" My mother screeched before diving on top of me and beating me with the broken beer bottle. It hurt so bad, so freaking bad! "Mom! Stop!" I pleaded. Shards of the bear were getting stuck in my forehead and blood streamed down my face. Before I knew it, my vision went black.

My vision returned to Yato and I let out a screech of pain. There was a throbbing sensation all over my body.

Yato's POV:
She got her memory back, alright. But it wasn't a memory of me, it was how she died. And when a regalia remembers how they died, they turn into a phantom. "Yato!" I heard a feminine voice yell. I turned my head towards the source of the voice. Kofuku... And Daikoku? "Guys?! What are you-" I was interrupted when I was slammed into the wall of my shrine. "Tch... Ow..." I groaned as I slumped down into the wall. I looked up to see (Y/N), I instantly remembered how Yukine looked when I had him. How I almost died. Blood dripped off my bottom lip. "(Y/N)-chan! Stop hurting Yatty! Kokki!" I heard Kofuku yell. Daikoku changed into a fan and with a simple slice of the fan, (Y/N) was swung into the wall. Kofuku looked to me with a frown. "Yatty, we have to-" "No! There has to be some other way! I-I....I can't lose someone I love again.." I interrupt, already knowing what she was going to say. "But Yatty! You'll-" "Kofuku.. This is his fight, he needs to fight his own battles.." Daikoku interrupted her. I get up from the wall, clutching my throbbing arm. "(Y/N), I know you're in there!... This isn't you! I know it for a-" "SHUT UP!" She interrupted with a snarl. Before I knew what was happening, I felt myself being smashed through a wall and landing onto the hard pavement. Shit, my back hurt like hell. I slowly sat up, my head pounding. I looked up to see (Y/N) running towards me, my body was hurting all over, and I couldn't move an inch. She grabbed me by the neck and held me up, lifting me off the ground. She tightened her grip on my neck and my eyes widened. "(Y-Y/N) p-please," I coughed. "D-Don't you remember our promise?" I asked, my voice wavering. Her grip only tightened more and I winced, she was trying to kill me. "I-I promised I would never forget you..." I coughed. "B-But... You seemed to have forgotten me.." I managed to say. Her grip seemed to stop tightening and she froze. She stayed like that for a moment before dropping me to the ground and I gasped for air. "Y-Yato?" I hear her ask. I cough a few times before looking back up at her, wiping some of the blood off my chin. I stood up and looked down at her. "D-Did... I do this to you?..." She asked putting her hand on my cheek, examining my face. I was completely shocked, this had never happened before to a god and regalia. I was about to go in for a kiss when (Y/N) was tackled to the ground. "(Y/N)-chan!!! Don't ever scare me like that again!!" Kofuku cried.

~ one day later ~

It took almost all day to pry Kofuku off (Y/N), but when we did, Kofuku forced us to come back the next day. So here we were, walking back to Kofuku's shrine. "I love you, (Y/N)," I exclaimed randomly. "I hope you know that.." I blushed feeling her head lean on my shoulder. "I love you to, Yato." She answered. I held (Y/N) by the waist and let her rest her head on me. I was so happy she was back. I will never lose her again. I glanced over to a crowd walking past the street, only to gasp. "Yato! Yato!" I heard a voice shout out. I looked towards the source only to see a boy with shaggy blond hair covered in a winter hat.
"Y-yukine...?" I stuttered out

But anyways guys, this is unfortunately the end of the story. I hope chu all enjoyed it!! heheheh.... *runs off* DONT KILL MEE!!
|author chan |

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