Part 4

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No One's POV:
"Hiyori!!" Yato yelled as he tackled her to the ground, making Hiyori groan in despair. "I missed you!!" Yato frowned looking down at Hiyori. Back then, Yato had always gotten stung because of his love for Hiyori. He loved her, but she didn't know that, and this was the day that changed everything. "Gah, Yato! Get off me!" Hiyori ordered. Her tone was different this time, and it sounded annoyed. She had never used this tone with Yato before. "Oh, eh, gomen... H-Hiyori.." Yato had climbed off her. "Yeah, sure." Hiyori said dusting herself off as she sighed. "Look Yato, we...we need to talk." Hiyori said looking down. Yato frowned and walked towards her and grabbed her shoulders. "H-Hiyori? W-what's wrong?" Yato asked. Hiyori pushed him away. "D-Don't touch me, I-I don't deserve it," Hiyori sniffled. "Hiyori-" "Don't! Just don't! Look, Yato, I want to... To sever my ties with you." Hiyori interrupted as tears trickled down her cheeks. "W-what?... H-hiyori, y-you're joking.. Please tell me you're joking.." Yato pleads. Hiyori shook her head. "Just please... I can't live like this anymore..." Hiyori replied. No matter how much Yato didn't want to do this, how much he loved her, he did it anyway, and that was the hardest thing he ever did.

"Hey, Yato! Is Hiyori coming to tutor me today?" Yukine asked his master. Yato shook his head as he stared out of Kofuku's shrine. "Well.. Is she tomorrow?.." Yukine asked again. The same answer, no. "Well when is she coming?" Yukine asked annoyed. This time, Yukine got no reply. Yukine sighed and shook his head. "Fine, if you won't tell me anything, I'll just see Hiyori for myself." Yukine was about to walk out when Yato called him. "Yukine! Wait! You can't!" He called. Yukine rolled his eyes and turned back to his master. "Why? It's not like we have any jobs to do today." Yukine scowled. Yato sighed. "Y-you just can't." Yato replied. "Bye Ya-" "Hiyori's gone." Yato interrupted. "W-what?" Yukine asked a bit taken back. "H-Hiyori's gone. She told me to sever our ties and I did.." Yato explained. "You baca! Y-you're lying! I-I'll go see Hiyori for myself!" Yukine cried and with that, he began running to Hiyori's house. The stray god following after him, yelling for him to stop. Once they had arrived, everything seemed normal. Hiyori's mother and father were making dinner and Hiyori was upstairs doing her homework. Yato and Yukine made their way up the stairs to her room and opened the door, quietly. "Hiyori!" Yukine stated excitedly and ran over to her, wrapping his arms around her neck from behind. She wasn't responding, odd. He pulled away and looked at her. "H-Hiyori?.." Yukine whispered. He put his hand on her arm and of course, no response. Tears started to form in Yukine's eyes. "Yukine, we hav-" "Leave!" Yukine yelled. "Just leave me be!!" Yukine cried. Yato sighed and left, deciding that he should just leave him alone.

Weeks had past where, Yukine would stay with Hiyori at all times, whether it was at school or home. Time to time, Yukine would try to call her name or touch her arm to get her attention, but no response. While Yukine stayed with Hiyori, Yato would get stung time to time because of Yukine's emotions. On the last day, Yukine had came back to Yato, but was silent the whole time he was with him. Nothing could cheer him up, not even Kofuku could, which was surprising to Yato. One day, Yukine asked if Yato could release him. "Yukine, no! I'm not losing you to!" Yato told him. "Can't you see I've had enough?! I'm obviously making you get stung from all these feelings I'm having so just release me! Please!" Yukine pleaded. Yato was silent for a moment. He looked at Yukine with an emotionless expression on his face. He sighed and nodded. And in the end, Yato ended up releasing the only family he had left, Yukine.

Hello my lovelies! So this chappie, was on what happened with Yato, Yukine, and Hiyori. Sorry if I made chu all confused and I hope chu enjoyed this chappie anyways! As always, see you all in the next chappie!

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