CHAPTER 17. How In The World!?

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   Waking up alone was not how imagined it to. Where was Lucas? Eric? Mom? A day went by- then two. Four. Six. A full week. No one came to see me. Slowly I got from the bed and made my way to the door. Locked. Why would my door be locked? I pulled it more. A frustrated sigh left me. Stepping back I raised my arm and- tried- to use my frustration to my advantage. Just as my hand started to glow and I was ready to hit the lock the handle turned and the door opened. I dropped my hand. Lucas stood there; he had dark bags under his eyes, he was slumped and his hair was a mess. My brow furrowed. "Lucas?" my voice was raspy from not talking. "What's wrong?" I asked him as he stumbled into my room. I shut the door as he fell onto the bed and lay an arm over his eyes.                                                              

    He grumbled and turned onto his side. Sighing I walked to him and crawled onto the bed and snuggled into his back. Lucas turned to face me with a frown. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He closed him eyes before opening them. "Nothing. It just took a lot from me... I can't even begin to think about what it was like for you." he sounded even more tired; maybe just as much as I was. "Lucas? go to sleep. you're tired." I told him. He cracked a half smile. "That's the thing, Dea. I can't. Not without you." he pressed a soft kiss to my head and wrapped  his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest and sighed. 

   Our perfect moment was ruined when my door was flung open. My eyes had snapped open widely and for an odd reason a globe was around us- shining a bright yellow. Mom and Eric and another few people stood there with frowns. Slowly I sat up and the globe came down. "Mom? What's happening?" frantically Lucas sat up and ran out from the room. I ran after him and  down the stairs to a window. Outside was a mess- everything was falling apart and random scary people- all with deformed faces and bodies- were waiting silently. As if waiting to attack. I looked at Lucas. "What's happening?"

   He stared at me for a moment. "It's happening." "What is?" He sighed. "The war. We need to find the white angel. and soon." Who was the white angel? Before I could ask Lucas dragged me back upstairs and called to everyone. "Is there a sound proof room? We all need to talk." My mom showed everyone to a room and locked the door behind us all. "What's happening Lucas? Why are those.. things out there!" his mother said while her husband placed a hand on hers. 

   "Since Deanna found out about her powers and started to use them, those thing- Grimlocks, powerful, deformed creatures- are coming. The thing that attacked the school was a Globster- a glob that can eat and kill any thing it eats. More of these creatures are coming. Unfortunately, the only way to get rid of them all for good is to kill the person making them. Controlling them. But we can only do that with the White Angel," that name again. 

   "Lucas? Who's the White Angel?" I asked him. He glanced down at me. "The other part of the prophecy. You and I are only half of it. The last half is out there some where. I know where- in the White Fang Mountains. We need him- or her- to kill the creator of these monsters." Lucas explained. So if the White Angel had a title, that means both Lucas and I did to. "Lucas?" my voice wasn't heard by the others speaking so I decided to hold my tong. 

   "Everyone hush. Lucas, what does that mean?" his mother sounded worried and my mom and Eric kept glancing at me. Lucas sighed and said, "It means Deanna and I must go to find the White Angel and get him- or her- to help us. Everyone on earth is facing these things and only we can stop it." Lucas' voice held so much sureness that it scared me. He knew everything we had to do and I didn't. I was supposed to save the world- yet I knew nothing of hat I needed to do. It was overly frustrating. 

   "So, you have to go and find this'White Angel' in order to save everyone on the planet?" Eric asked. "Yes." "Well, let's go!We're wasting daylight!" Lucas stopped his dad. "Only Deanna and I can go, dad. It's to dangerous if you're not like us. you can't kill them with a sword. Only our magic will work. I'm sorry." our parents stared at us. "Well then. Let's get you all ready to go to the White Fang Mountains, shall we?" mom stood and clapped her hands. "What? Mom, really? Your not mad about me leaving to save the world?" I asked, a little confused. She shook her head. "Of course not! But be careful. Now, let's see what the royal outfitters can make." my eyes rose as we all followed my mom out and down the halls- stopping at a room that had a desk and sowing supplies.  

   "Jerrica!" mom hollered. A women in her late thirties appeared and bowed quickly before asking what we needed. "Some clothing for the two of them, they need something they can move in, flame resistant, warm. And so on." Eric told her. She nodded and began taking measurements for Lucas- skipping myself. "Aren't you going to measure me?" I asked as she wrote the numbers down. "No, your highness. I already have your measurements from before."

   "Now, these will be ready in a week. I hope you can wait that long, with all that's happening." our parents nodded and so did Lucas. "It will give us time to re-set our powers and train. And speaking of that. Come on, Dea. Food then rest. We start training tomorrow." I followed Lucas out of the room. Some thing was wanting me to say no and give up, but the other larger part said I had to do this. 

   "Lucas? If the White Angel has that title, what is yours and mine?" I asked as we entered the kitchen and he ordered a lot of food. "Well, mine is the Red Devil. And yours," he looked down at me. 

   "Princess of Hope. And I did not make it up."

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