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 So, I know I got 2 other stories up right now and still in progress, but I couldn't help but post this first chapter of a new story. I won't post any more of this novel until I finish my remaining stories. I hope lot's of reader's give this story a good fighting chance. It is a romantic story with a different idea to the story - Paintballing! It's an awesome sport, and I hope that whoever reads this, can really imagine being in Alex's position. Enjoy! xx

P.S. Thanks to SugarCravings for this awesome cover -----> xx



 Shots fire from all around me. They sound like a million spit balls being shot at you, and you can do nothing to prevent them.

For me, the worst part of paint balling is not knowing where or who the shots are being fired. But then again, that’s the whole point of the sport, isn’t it? You must require the skill of stealth and patience, both of which I have. 

We play in Death Valley – no not the place, although that would be pretty cool, but it’s the “battleground” or “playground” of where we are playing. There are at least ten fields we play on, but Death Valley is our favourite.                        

When I say our, I really mean my team and I. You see, where I’m from, paint balling has become so competitive, that some players form teams to play more seriously against each other, and when my brother finally offered me the chance to join his team, I jumped right at the chance.

Now, I crouch down behind a wooded shelter. The shots have decreased to a minimal, and then everything is quiet. I look around me, feeling the emotion of disappointment when I can’t locate any of my teammates.  If I move, I knew that all the leaves on the ground around me would cause sound and then that would give away my position.

My teammates would definitely be angry with me.

I silently reload my gun with our team’s colour of dark blue. Then, I catch movement at the corner of my eye. I slowly turn around, praying that it was someone on my team. I look, and there, crouching in an all black outfit, with only the sleeves cut to show his massive muscles, is Dominick. He glances over at me, and even though I can’t see his eyes because of the pitch black goggles he wears, I know he’s giving me the assurance that I need that he has my back.

And that’s why I love him.

Dominick is the second most important player on the team. He’s the captain’s right hand man, always there to support the decisions the leader makes. Ever since I joined the team, he’s been having this thing for me for a while, and being one of the only girl’s on the team, I had no idea what his deal was.

But that’s when Brooke joined. She’s the only other girl on the team, and we’ve become best friends ever since. When Brooke confided in me around a year ago that she had a thing for my brother, I couldn’t help but say that I had feelings for Dominick, and that he had them back. Brooke went crazy and immediately decided to “hook us up.”

And now Dominick and I are going out and taking things slow. Since my brother is the team captain, Dominick had to literally ask permission to ask me out. I was extremely embarrassed, but, in the end, after long thinking and threats, my brother finally gave in.

Coming back to the present, I quickly but silently reloaded my gun. I quickly pop my head up from the wooden shelter and then quickly went back down to crouching. No one was in sight – yet. I glance over at Dominick, and he moves his hand forward, signalling that we should move up.

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