Chapter One

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Hope you enjoy this! Please comment and vote! I want to know if I should continue this or not! 


“Wait, so he just looks back at you, then smiles?” Brooke asks me for the hundredth time. I explained to her the day when I met Jason. That was a few weeks ago, and since I’ve told her, she hasn’t let it go since.

            “Yes. Well, more like smirked, but still,” I say, focusing my eyes on cleaning my paint ball gun. I reload it with some dark blue bullets, my teams’ main colour.

            “Oh my God, I just can’t believe it! So, when are you going to meet him again? Can I come with you?” Brooke asks in excitement.

            “Brooke! Keep it down! You know I have a boyfriend. Plus, Jason’s on another team, the Red team, and you know we’re not supposed to interact with enemy teams, right?” I say, looking at her straight in the eye.

            “I know, Alex, but…the way you’re describing him, he just so... sexy. You know?”

            “Okay, cut it out. Besides… do you have an interest in him or something?” I ask, raising my eyebrows at her. Because I know what she will say, she’ll completely deny it and start gushing out all these amazing adjectives to describe my brother.

            “What? Me? No way! You know I’m totally in love with Ben. He’s just so…”

            “Save it,” I interrupt, raising my hand near her face. Giving her the hand always shuts her up.

            “I’m just saying…” Brooke finishes. Just then, Ben comes walking toward us, gun strapped to his back, goggles hanging around his neck.

            Speak of the devil, I thought.

            “Hey, guys. So, you ready for another round?” He asks us, waiting for an answer.

            Before I could say anything, Brooke comes out of nowhere and says,

            “Of course, why not?” She smiles then and walks off toward the locker room.

            “What’s up with her?” Ben asks, smiling as he sets down his gun on the table beside me.

            “Oh the usual, being totally in love with you,” I say smiling a little bit. Ben knows that Brooke likes him, Brooke just doesn’t know it. Ben and I decided to keep that secret between us.

            “Oh, ha-ha.” He says, fiddling with a loose thread on his jacket. I look back up to him, sensing that something was wrong.

            “Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask, turning my full body around to face him.

            “Nothing,” is all he says before Dominick comes running up to Ben and I.

            “Ben! Thank God I found you! There’s been an attack!” Dominick looks straight at Ben, not even acknowledging my presence. Douche, I thought.

            “What? What the hell do you mean? I told you not to start the game without me!” Ben says a little too harshly. But Dominick doesn’t seem to be fazed at all.

            “We didn’t, they did!” Dom was pointing back towards the field where a bunch of red paint ball bullets and red shirts were sprawled across the field. Just the thought of the colour red made me want to go out there and find Jason. But I wasn’t going to get my hopes up. He probably wasn’t even playing.

            “Get everyone ready!” Ben commanded as he turns to me. “Get Brooke and flank them!” I nod my head as I see Ben put his goggles on. As he departs, I remember that he left his gun on the table.

            “Ben!” He turns around as I throw his gun to him.

            “Thanks, sis.” He smiles and runs off toward the field. Just then, I spot Brooke walking casually toward me. She glances back behind herself and see’s the chaos, at least I thought.

            “Damn, Ben looks good in those pants!”

            “Brooke! Don’t you see we’ve been attacked?” I say angrily, pointing to the field.

            “What, how?” She asks in panic. I gather my stuff and motion her to do the same.

            “I don’t know! Dom just comes up to Ben and me and starts talking about how the Red team started the game without us even knowing! Ben gave us orders to flank them.”

            “Okay, but what if we get caught?” I stopped in my tracks and look at Brooke. I gave her a stern look, thinking that she might know the answer to her own question. But she doesn’t seem to understand.

            “Brooke, out of all the times we’ve played this game, how many times have we been caught by another team?” I ask. She was thinking for a while, before shrugging her shoulders.

            “None.” And with that, I hand her gun over to her, and I raced off into the field of complete madness. Thoughts were crashing into my head then. Will I see Jason? Will our team loose? But the one question that really stuck out to me was, will we get caught?

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