Destination Unknown - Book One by Ninjawolf96

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14 July 2013

Q1. What's the name of the book?

A.   The book is called 'Destination Unknown - Book One' (as I'm hoping to do a series)

Q2. What is the genre of your book?

A.   It's an Action/Adventure with some light-hearted comedy. (I can't help myself)

Q3. What gave you the  idea for your book? 

 A.  It's hard to pinpoint a single idea. I'm a big fan of stories when the protagonist goes after/does something that 'opens a can of worms' and they have to sort it out or in dire cases, make it out alive. It was kind of a mix between my already existing ideas and films/video games I have watched/played. 

Q4. Can you give a summery of your book?

A.  If I had to put it into my own words (not the official summery): It's a story about two young adults who are both alone in the world, neither have any family or friends left and they end up meeting by chance. Jade (the female protagonist) has spent the last three years of her life tracking down and hunting mythological treasures. Leroy (the male protagonist) on the other hand has spent his time getting drunk and causing trouble. Together, they both embark on a world wide journey that changes their lives forever.

Q5. Why do you believe it is a good read?

 A. I think it's a good read because it's not like all these other 'girl meets boy' books, the two characters aren't even that close at the beginning of their journey. The story shows people that you shouldn't just assume that your life is boring because you never know when your life will change. It's also a refreshing read from all the soppy love stories and 'dark' themed book out there. I also add some comedy in the story just so the reader can have a little chuckle at the characters misfortune (in the nicest way possible of course).

 Q6. What would you like to say to those  who read your book?

A.  I would just like to say a huge THANK YOU to anyone who has a go at or reads my book because I'm sure that most of you would agree, it's not always easy trying to get your ideas down.

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