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Rebel Base

Captain Dameron was ordering his men to load on to the ship. Chewbacca climbed aboard and sat in the cock-pit.
Leia stood by Rey and Finn before the take off,
"I hope you two don't kill yourselves." She said with a smile.
"Don't worry." Rey laughed back. The two hugged and Leia headed off.
Finn and Rey walked over to the Captain,
"Are we ready?" She asked.
The Captain turned and looked at her,
"Yes. Everything is in place. Take your position."
She nodded and moved towards the Falcon. Finn ran to catch up with her,
"I can't believe were really doing this."
He said.
Rey looked at him and said, "It'll be okay Finn."
Everyone had climbed was seated as Rey climbed in the pilot seat. She pushed her hands on buttons and flipped switches. Off they flew to save Poe.


Poe new they'd be everywhere. He planned to desert his small tent. He would take BB-8 with him and hide.
He was ready to run. He took the sheet of cloth and grabbed the blaster he stolen from the stormtrooper on the speeder and whatever scraps of food he had left. He rolled them in the cloth. Then heard a scorching sound. He looked in the distance. Poe spotted a group of Flametroppers destroying trees in their path. They had come sooner than expected.

Millinean Falcon

Rey had sat course for the Endor system has planned. She put the ship in Hyper Space. Chewbacca nodded to her. She then sat up and walked out of the cock-pit. She reached where everyone was lounging and sat down next to Finn. Everyone was talking with many conversations over another. Then Finn turned to Rey,
"I still can't believe were doing this. I mean Poe's my friend and all but the people with us. There's nine guys we barely know. Six random bring alongside, the guys brother who were trying to save, and two shlubbs we picked up out of a bar n with weird names like Gillow and Reeve."
Rey laughed at how serious Finn took this. Then must've seemed as if Gillow over heard him,
"Come one guys! For the last time call me Bax!"
Finn looked at Gillow then at Rey,
"See this is what I'm talking about." Then he turned back to Gillow, "You don't get to choose what your called."
Gillow replied,
"Bax sounds a lot cooler."
"You don't get to choose. I wasn't chose to have the nickname of Finn! I don't even know what my real name is." Finn replied.
Rey stared at him, "Then what is your name?"
Then Bax spoke again, "Doesn't matter. Just call me Bax!"
Finn turned to Rey, "I'll explain it later."
Then Chewbacca came out, "Grruggghhh."
Rey announced to the group, "Were almost there." Then Rey pointed at Gillow, "I'm calling you Gill now." She headed to the cock-pit with Chewie.
"Alright. Get ready." Captain Dameron spoke giving orders.

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